Honours and Masters Final Seminars: Session 1

An event for Fenner School staff and students: the 2020 mid-year intake Honours and Masters students present their final dissertations, and enjoy a question and answer portion after their talks. Schedule for Session 1 below.

Margot Schneider
Topic: Past fire shaping future fuel: The influence of fire regimes on leaf chemical composition of Eucalyptus pilularis

Caitlin Kenyon-Slade
Topic: How the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) accesses buildings: a study of tree characteristics and the effectiveness of tree guards.

Jozef Meyer
Topic: Investigation of Alpine Snowham dieback (Eucalyptus Niphophilia) in Australia High Country

Samuel Hutchinson
Topic: Leakage detection and analyses of open water channels within operational agricultural water delivery infrastructure

Madeline Shelton
Topis: Framing native forestry: A Victorian Case Study Exploring representations of native forest management in the news media