Fenner Affiliates Seminar on the topic of regenerative agriculture and landscapes

The Affiliates Seminars are an occasional series of events intended to showcase the diversity of research interests and activities of the Fenner School’s many visiting researchers, honorary staff and emeriti. They are intended to provide an opportunity for affiliates to engage with staff, students and each other and so help contribute to the life of the Fenner School.

The theme of this seminar, regenerative agriculture, is the third in the series after a long hiatus due to the COVID pandemic.  Research on agricultural landscapes, their sustainability and biodiversity attributes has a long history in Canberra and many staff and affiliated have been engaged in such work at various points in their careers. Both speakers are associated with the Mulloon Institute, a leading not-for-profit organisation engaged in research, education and advocacy for sustainable agriculture and environmental regeneration.

These two talks will be of wide interest to Fenner affiliates, staff and students alike, as well as serving to raise awareness of the activities of the Mulloon Institute, with which the Fenner School has close connections.

Dr Luke Peel: Landscape rehydration – why it matters for agricultural production and ecosystem services

Dr David Freudenberger: Biodiverse carbon farming - opportunities and challenges

About the speakers

Dr Luke Peel is research co-ordinator at the Mulloon Institute and an Honorary Lecturer at the Fenner School. Luke has over 30 years in agriculture, landscape regeneration and natural resource management. He has extensive experience in spatial data collection, establishing monitoring and mapping programs using ground-based methods in combination with satellite and aerial data, scientific analysis and reporting, communication to landholders, scientists, and for education and training. Luke has previously worked in various roles in the NT Government Environment Agency, specialising in soil erosion and hydrological monitoring, spatial data analysis for vegetation mapping and developing and implementing new technologies in ground monitoring methodologies. This work continued with the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and Geoscience Australia for mapping, monitoring, modelling and reporting outcomes.

Dr David Freudenberger is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Fenner School and a member of the Science Advisory Council of the Mulloon Institute. David has had a diverse research career, including on long term grassland and shrubland dynamics in southern California, nutrition in red deer, digestive physiology of kangaroos and goats. David joined CSIRO Wildlife and Ecology in 1991 to conduct grazing management research in the rangelands of eastern Australia, followed by research on the impact of landscape fragmentation on woodland bird assemblages and other taxa and ecosystem services from revegetation. David joined Greening Australia in 2007 as Chief Scientist, working on effectiveness and cost of revegetation technologies, carbon sequestration measurement and modelling. David joined ANU in 2012 to continue research in applied restoration practice and lectures in management of wooded landscapes. He also consults for the Australian mining industry on rehabilitation design and implementation.

Updated:  17 November 2022/Responsible Officer:  Director, Fenner School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Fenner School