HDR cohort welcome

This is an opportunity to connect with your new HDR colleagues as well as ongoing peers. We will discuss advice for starting out strong, and what makes Fenner special. All Fenner PhD and MPhil students are welcome.

schedule Date & time
12 Sep 2023 2:15pm - 12 Sep 2023 3:30pm
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Welcome to the new HDR students who started their degrees in Fenner this semester!

On Tues Sept 12 we will have a meeting to welcome the new students this semester:

  • 1:30 - 2:15 (New Students Only) FSES HDR induction
  • 2:15 - 2:45 (Everyone) Tea
  • 2:45 - 3:30 (FSES HDR Students) Discussion

This is a chance for the whole cohort to come together and discuss topics of interest, and meet the newest candidates! Discussion topics will be:

  • How to start out strong
  • What makes Fenner special

Scholars should come with a piece of advice, a piece of gratitude, or a question.


Robertson Building - Gumnut Room