sawn logs sit in piles

Illegal natural resource activities and their governance responses

Illegal use of natural resources, such as logging, fishing, mining, and poaching, varies widely in scale, actors, and governance. This presentation explores patterns linking legality and legitimacy, under-researched activities, and governance responses, offering a framework for comparison and analysis.

schedule Date & time
12 Feb 2025 1:00pm - 12 Feb 2025 2:00pm
person Speaker


Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit
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Fenner Communications

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Illegal use of natural resources includes all practices related to the use of land and water and their natural resources inconsistent with international, national and sub-national law. These illegal activities comprise amongst others illegal logging, fishing, mining, illegal use of water and poaching.

Apart from the resource exploited, there is a great variance of types of illegal activities and their governance responses, including the scale of illegality, the types of actors involved, the institutional governance context, the level of (international) public attention and the legitimacy of the illegal activities. Though some of these activities and their responses have been covered well in diverse studies, others are so far under-researched. Comparing illegal use across different areas of natural resources allows to identify certain patterns, e.g. the linkage between (il)legality and (il)legitimacy and to better understand the variances of governance options and their effectiveness.    

This presentation offers a structured framework for comparing illegal activities and their governance responses and provides exploratory examples of activities analysed. 


About the Speaker

Professor of Forest and Environmental Policy at the University of Freiburg, Germany

Daniela Kleinschmit — Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik (

Daniela smiles and looks at the camera. She stands in front of bookshelves and wears a grey blazer.

Photo by Philipp Ditfurth

Daniela Kleinschmit is Professor of Forest and Environmental Policy at the University of Freiburg, Germany and since 2024 President of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).

Daniela’s research interests comprise land use policies and governance with a focus on legitimacy, discourses, communication and integration. She has initiated and coordinated various research projects and published several scientific papers, chapters and edited volumes.

Daniela is actively engaged in several science-policy interactions at different political levels and has been actively engaged in research management, amongst others as Dean of the Faculty for Environment and Natural Resources and as Vice-President of University Freiburg. 


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