ANU scientist named Fellow of Ecological Society of America

Publication date
Friday, 5 Apr 2019
Image of Professor David Lindenmayer
Image of Professor David Lindenmayer

Internationally recognised ANU ecologist and conservation biologist Professor David Lindenmayer has been elected as a Fellow into the Ecological Society of America.

The Ecological Society of America is a non-profit organisation of more than 9000 scientists, founded in 1915.

Professor Lindenmayer, who leads several large-scale studies in forest and woodland ecology, endangered species conservation and landscape restoration, said he was deeply honoured and humbled to receive the accolade.

"This acknowledgment from the Ecological Society of America, which is very prestigious, is a huge honour," Professor Lindenmayer said.

"I'm immensely proud of the contribution I've been able to make to help better understand Australia's ecological challenges and finding ways to address them.

"I feel incredibly fortunate to have worked for 27 years at ANU, Australia's national university.

"I've had fantastic mentors and worked with extraordinary individuals including wonderful young researchers, whom I've had the privilege to help nurture their careers to make significant contributions to ecological research."

The fellowship acknowledges Professor Lindenmayer's outstanding body of work to advance ecological knowledge and outcomes through research, education and outreach.

The names of all new Fellows will be shown during an awards ceremony at the ESA annual meeting in August this year.