Conservation Futures Project presentation at the Embassy of Colombia

Publication date
Thursday, 4 May 2017

The Conservation Futures project is an international research collaboration with the Luc Hoffmann Institute, CSIRO, the Australian National University, the World Wildlife Fund (Colombia) and Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (National Parks).

On 27 April, Associate Professor Lorrae van Kerkhoff - Fenner School, ANU, Dr. Michael Dunlop - CSIRO and Ms Claudia Múnera - an awardee from the Luc Hoffman Institute Fellowship program presented details of the research and research findings at the Colombian Embassy in front of the Ambassador for Colombia to Australia Her Excellency Clemencia Forero, fellow researchers and distinguised guests.  

Find more details on the event from the Colombian Embassy - Colaboración conjunta en materia de investigación entre Colombia y Australia: Proyecto Conservation Futures (in Spanish).