Fenner in the News - Feral horse legal action “delaying the inevitable”

Publication date
Tuesday, 9 Jun 2020

The Bogong High Plains is at risk of becoming the “Bogong Horse Plains” if delays continue in Parks Victoria’s implementation of their feral horse removal plan, according to Invasive Species Council CEO Andrew Cox.

His judgement has been bolstered by expert advice from the Australian National University’s Professor in Environmental Science, Jamie Pittock, who says the horses’ impact on the alpine environment across state borders is beyond dispute, and that heritage arguments are “nonsense”.

Professor Pittock said the surveys showed the horse population in the alpine regions was increasing by 23 per cent each year. Even considering the 2019-2020 bushfires, which burnt one-third of Kosciuszko National Park, there was little evidence those numbers had diminished.He said the surveys showed the horse population in the alpine regions was increasing by 23 per cent each year.

Read the full article at About Regional.