Fenner in the News - 'Kosciuszko: the arc of the park'

Publication date
Tuesday, 9 Jun 2020

"Every now and again, a once-in-a-generation book on a specific topic is published."

"Kosciuszko: A Great National Park (Deirdre Slattery and Graeme L. Worboys, Envirobook 2020), isn't one of those. Rather, this encyclopaedic 433-page tome is a once-in-a-century exposé on Kosciuszko National Park (KNP), NSW's biggest and with 2 million visitors every year, arguably most-loved national park."

Read Tim the Yowie Man's Canberra Times review of Kosciuszko: A Great National Park by Deirdre Slattery and Graeme L. Worboys.