Fenner in the News - Why are the high country’s iconic snow gums dying?

Publication date
Thursday, 10 Oct 2019

ANU scientists say there’s growing concern over a mysterious, possibly drought-related phenomenon that’s killing off substantial numbers of snow gums in the Australian Alps, and they’re calling on citizen scientists to help solve the puzzle.

Snow gum dieback has been observed across a wide area in the high country, affecting the white trunked Eucalyptus pauciflora. Also commonly known as the white sallee, the snow gums are generally thought to be among the hardiest of all eucalypt species and the only trees present above 1600 metres.

Dr Matthew Brookhouse from the ANU is heading the research project into snowgum dieback. He says a substantial area within Kosciuszko National Park, as well as Namadgi National Park and Victoria’s Alpine National Park, is affected by the widespread dieback event.

Read the full article at the Riot ACT.