The Great Green Debate - should Australia declare a climate emergency?

Publication date
Sunday, 24 Nov 2019

Countries, cities, councils, and organisations around the world are declaring a climate emergency and changing practices and policies in an attempt to address the challenge. Should Australia follow suit? That’s the topic for the first ever live Policy Forum Pod (hosted by the Crawford School).

This event was recorded at The Australian National University on Thursday 17 October. It was the annual Great Green Debate organised by ANU Learning Communities – a student-led organisation dedicated to bringing people together in areas of common interest. The panel was co-hosted by Policy Forum Pod’s Professor Sharon Bessell and Martyn Pearce.

The Panel

Imran Ahmad is Founding Director of Future Earth Australia, former Director of East-Asia and Pacific at the Global Green Growth Institute, and an Honorary Associate Professor at the Fenner School of Environment and Society.

Shane Rattenbury is the ACT government’s Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability.

Liz Hanna is a Fellow at the Fenner School of Environment & Society, and Chair of the Environmental Health Working Group, World Federation of Public Health Associations.

John Hewson is an economic and financial expert with experience in academia, business, government, media, and the financial system. In 2014, Dr Hewson joined ANU as Professor at the Crawford School, and Chair of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute.

Sharon Bessell is a Professor at Crawford School of Public Policy, where she is co-leader of the ANU Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) team. The IDM is a new, gender-sensitive and multidimensional measure of poverty.

Martyn Pearce is a presenter for Policy Forum Pod and the Editor of Policy Forum.



Listen to Part One here.

Listen to Part Two here - including futher Q&A from the audience.