PhD opportunity in reintroduction biology of threatened mammals

Publication date
Wednesday, 14 Aug 2019
Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis Petauridae)
Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis Petauridae)

We are offering an exciting opportunity to undertake a PhD program at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at The Australian National University. The scope of potential research is broad, but must have a clear focus on the reintroduction biology of threatened mammals in south-eastern Australia. For example, potential projects could focus on reintroductions of threatened species (e.g. southern brown bandicoot, eastern quoll and greater glider) at Booderee National Park. High value is placed on field-based, empirical projects.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Professor David Lindenmayer to discuss potential projects. The PhD scholar will be supervised by Professor Lindenmayer, Dr Natasha Robinson, and other researchers at the Fenner School of Environment and Society.

The successful applicant will initially work with researchers from the National Environmental Science Programme Threatened Species Recovery Hub.

Professor Lindenmayer’s group includes some of the Australia’s leading ecologists and conservation scientists. Research within the group addresses a diverse range of topics across mammals, frogs, birds, reptiles and plants. Past PhD graduates have a strong record of employment in academic, government and NGO sectors.

Candidate requirements

A bachelor’s degree with first-class honours or a research master’s degree from a recognised university is a prerequisite. Peer-reviewed publications are an advantage. Selection is based on academic merit and the candidate’s research proposal. Successful candidates will have experience in environmental science or ecology and management.

Domestic students must obtain and maintain a PhD scholarship stipend at The Australian National University (2019 rate: AU$27,596 p.a. tax free; see below). International students must hold an Australian Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Stipend Scholarship. Candidates would be expected to commence their doctoral programs in early 2020.

Application process and closing dates

Interested individuals are invited to discuss the project with Professor David Lindenmayer and must submit a CV and a one page statement of possible research directions to him by 25 August 2019 for international students or 15 October 2019 for domestic students. Please email or call 02 6125 0654.

The closing dates for applications for a PhD stipend scholarship at The Australian National University are: International - 31 August 2019; Domestic - 31 October 2019. See Queries regarding scholarship matters can be directed to Amy Chen at