Scholarship snapshot - Rural Bank - farmer focused - future driven

Publication date
Thursday, 30 Nov 2017

As the only Australian-owned and operated dedicated agribusiness bank in the country, Rural Bank, is committed to backing the Australian farming community.

We are pleased to be offering a scholarship program in 2018, as part of the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited Scholarship Program, to encourage young people to choose a career in the agricultural industry.

Duration Two years (dependent upon academic performance)
Intention of Scholarship Accommodation costs and/or other expenses directly related to the study of successful applicants (eg. course costs, study related materials/equipment, text books, tutoring)
Award Value (per student) Award values remain at the discretion of the special Committee. Award value is $5,000 (per annum) based on previous year

To be eligible, the following criteria must be met:

  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • first year undergraduate in 2018 (first attendance at an Australian university)
  • studying full-time in 2018 (in an approved Australian course)
  • graduated from secondary school in either 2017 or in 2016 (took a gap year)
  • outstanding academic achievement and community involvement
  • demonstrate a career committment that will ultimately benefit excellence and leadership in agriculture
Nationality Australian citizen or permanent resident
Applications open 1-Dec-17
Applications close 29-Jan-18
How to apply Please visit for more information.
Criteria Scholarships will be awarded on the recommendation of a selection committee and will be assessed on the submitted details that reference the established criteria.
Further Information The website will contain full information from 1 December 2017. If you still have a query, please contact Community Enterprise Foundation™ on 1300 304 541 or Rural Bank on 1300 660 115