For the first time, the public will be able to track the health of those two key conservation areas as part of a $10 million program to boost science and park management.
Living through a pandemic, conflicts, and climate change can feel like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. So what does mental health look like when you are carrying the world’s problems in your brain, as a job?
The 40-spotted pardalote’s instinct to feather its own nest is the key to a plan being hatched by canny scientists hoping to stop one of Australia’s rarest birds from disappearing forever.
Do you have a strong interest in migratory shorebird conservation? Would you like to obtain skills in bird capture and tracking studies? We are seeking a PhD applicant to work with a team of ecologists and citizen scientists running a national research and monitoring program on Latham’s Snipe.
If you’ve wandered through a forest, you’ve probably dodged dead, rotting branches or stumps scattered on the ground. This is “deadwood”, and it plays several vital roles in forest ecosystems.
Canberra is in the grip of a chilly return to winter after several weeks of warm, sunny, still days. Flowers are blooming, birds are singing and now – this! What happened to our Spring?
Business and governments across the world are embedding carbon abatement considerations into their trade negotiations and relationships. As an industry dependent on exporting, Australian agriculture must be ready to adjust to a more carbon-conscious trading future.