Australia is experiencing widespread, rapid climate change not seen for thousands of years and may warm by 4℃ or more this century, according to a highly anticipated report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
We are offering two exciting opportunities for interdisciplinary researchers with skills in mathematical or computational modelling to undertake PhD programs at the Fenner School of Environment & Society at the ANU.
This is an exciting opportunity to participate in the Greater Glider Research Project under the supervision of David Lindenmayer and Kara Youngentob. This project focuses on southern greater glider ecology and conservation.
An Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project, exploring the impacts of urbanisation on the autecology and disease ecology of our native wildlife is looking for applicants.
This year, Bender found herself on the front page of the Monaro Post alongside Prof. Jamie Pittock, after delivering crucial findings to the Snowy River Alliance one Sunday afternoon.
This Research Officer position offers a unique opportunity to join a busy research team, and provide support for a diverse range of ecological and conservation research activities, including Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary and other research and conservation sites.
Interested in a PhD using environmental DNA (eDNA) and genetic tools to inform conservation and management? We are seeking PhD applications to join an exciting inter-disciplinary collaboration project.