Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories about environment and society at ANU.

We're going on a beetle hunt

This is a story about what it's like to tackle an entirely new problem, so nothing is easy. Not even catching some beetles.

Let the hunt begin!

Disability advocate Marcus Dadd: ‘I hope I can inspire people to chase their dreams’

Fenner graduate and disability advocate Marcus Dadd has a passion for inclusive and sustainable practices in agriculture.

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Australia’s summer weather heats up

Professor Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick gives us the run down of what is expected to be Australia's hottest hummer on record.

Find out more.
Friday, 19 Feb 2021
  • News

A solitary, tree-dwelling marsupial with big furry ears, large round eyes and a feather boa-like tail that lives in the eucalypt forests of eastern Australia, the greater glider is often described as a clumsy flying possum. Only cuter.

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Thursday, 18 Feb 2021
  • Research story

If you’ve walked up Mount Taylor any time in the last few years, you might have seen Dr Kathy Eyles. She’s the one holding the mattock and taking notes.

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Wednesday, 17 Feb 2021
  • News

As the world embarks on a vast vaccination campaign, that we hope will bring the global pandemic under control, the other crisis facing us continues unabated: the climate emergency.

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A split-screen photo. To the left stands Shoshana Rapley in a blue t-shirt and broad brimmed hat with sunglasses on top. She is holding a curlew in her hands. To the right Anna Normyle sits on top of a large rock in the centre of a river.
Friday, 29 Jan 2021
  • Education story

The Fenner School farewelled to 2020 with two of our graduates receiving The University Medal for their studies: Master of Environment (Advanced) graduate Anna Normyle, and Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours) graduate Shoshana Rapley.

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Wednesday, 20 Jan 2021
  • News

Climate scientist and writer Joëlle Gergis speaks about the incalculable loss already suffered due to climate change and why the only way forward is to acknowledge the grief rather than ignore it.

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Monday, 18 Jan 2021
  • Research story

Habitat destruction by logging and agriculture is pushing parrot species towards extinction, while current protected areas are failing to mitigate these effects, according to new research.

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Wednesday, 13 Jan 2021
  • News

The first aerial survey since the catastrophic 2019 bushfires has found that the number of wild horses in the Kosciuszko National Park has fallen by more than a quarter. But Professor Jamie Pittock says scientifically they are not statistically significantly different from the 2019 pre-fire survey.

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Sunday, 10 Jan 2021
  • News

Dr Geoff Cary discusses the Australian bushfire season, including links to climate change, on Voice of America: International Edition, 7 January 2020.

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A close-up of a row of test tubes for DNA extractions, with pale blue twist-top lids.
Monday, 04 Jan 2021
  • Education story

In 2020 - the year of shutdowns and lockdowns - Fenner School Director Dr Saul Cunningham decided to pursue developing genetic labs at the School, and sought out an expert to invite into the School’s scientific community. He found Dr Linda Neaves.

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