in Australia there has been a lack of Long-term ecological studies, with few running more than 25 years and even less of those replicating plots from different experimental treatments.
After much hard work I had the good fortune to find that the Fenner School was home to Professor Robert Heinsohn, who had previously done research with lions in Africa.
Dr Matthew Brookhouse uses tree ring samples to document the growth chronology of individual trees, building a comprehensive climate record and fire history for the highlands of south-eastern Australia.
Humanity faces the daunting challenge of feeding nine billion people by 2050. Experts forecast that by then, about 70 per cent of the population will live in cities.
A research team led by Professor Peter Kanowski and Dr Kulala Mulung is conducting a five-year study in the province that seeks to support the local balsa industry.
The sky was a deep red hue. Dust from Australia’s barren ‘red centre’ had blown across and blanketed much of the continent’s east coast, including Sydney.
The growth of China’s cities is increasing wealth in the country, but it's coming at a cost. The economic boom is forcing farmers to move aside and make room for city dwellers.