Jenna Ridley

HDR Student

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Jenna is currently studying the post-fire recovery of the endangered southern greater glider (Petauroides volans) in areas affected by the 2019/2020 Black Summer megafires. The project is part of a larger study on the species looking into several aspects on how to better manage the species and prevent further declines.

Prior to starting her research at ANU in 2021, Jenna worked as a field ecologist for the Australian Wildlife Conservancy in central Australia, working primarily in threatened species re-introductions and monitoring. She has a first-class honours from Charles Darwin University, studying the vulnerable tjakura (great desert skink; Liopholis kintorei) in response to fire and vegetation cover at Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. Jenna works as a demonstrator for a couple of Fenner courses and externally works in science communication and occasional field-based projects.



Research interests

Jenna has broad interests in the fields of ecology. She is particularly interested in threatened species management, applied ecology and cross-cultural ecology.


Howard, Isabella & Ridley, Jenna & Blanchard, Wade & Ashman, Kita & Lindenmayer, David & Head, Megan & Youngentob, Kara. (2022). Helping wildlife beat the heat: Testing strategies to improve the thermal performance of nest boxes. Australian Zoologist. preprint. 10.7882/AZ.2022.026

Ridley, J.C.H, Schlesinger, C.A. & Bull, C.M (2018), Location of long-term communal burrows of a threatened arid-zone lizard in relation to soil and vegetation, Austral Ecology, doi:10.1111/aec.12656

Ridley J. (2015) Distribution, habitat associations and activity of great desert skinks (tjakuṟa; Liopholis kintorei) in relation to fire and vegetation cover. pp 109. BSc Hons thesis, Charles Darwin University, School of Environment