Catherine Ross

Catherine Ross looks at the camera.
Honorary Lecturer

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I am studying the role of eastern bettongs as 'ecosystem engineers', and the impact of their reintroduction on ecosystem processes.

My project is part of a larger research program based at Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary in north Canberra, studying restoration ecology in grassy woodlands. The sanctuary is the site of a large research trial looking at woodland restoration techniques, including the reintroduction of several animal species that have been extinct in the local region for some time, such as the new holland mouse, bush-stone curlew, eastern quoll and eastern bettong. These species play important ecological roles, so their reintroduction is expected to have an interesting effect on the ecosystem.

Since 2012 I have also been working with Greening Australia, an organisation that is committed to working with the community to restore Australia’s landscapes. Greening Australia also supported me through my honours project, which was an investigation into the causes of eucalyptus dieback in the Monaro region of NSW.

I also write a blog about my research and the PhD experience, at


Research interests

Ecosystem engineering, grasslands and woodlands, restoration, assisted colonisation, Eucalyptus dieback

Teaching information

Introduction to environmental and social research (2017)
Ecological restoration and management (2012, 2013)


Frank Fenner Building (141)


Ross, C et al. (2017) Fine-scale drivers of beetle diversity are affected by vegetation context and agricultural history. Austral Ecology (in press).

Ross, C & Brack, C (2017) Monaro dieback: simple answers are too simple. Australian Forestry, published online 27 April 2017

Ross, C & Brack, C (2015) Eucalyptus viminalis dieback in the Monaro region, NSW. Australian Forestry, published online 16 September 2015

Ross, C (2015) What’s Killing the Trees – Is climate change the cause of Ribbon Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) dieback in the Monaro region of NSW? Australasian Plant Conservation 23, no. 3, pg. 23

Ross, C. and Macris, A. (2012) Monitoring the effects of fire on the Button Wrinklewort (Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides). Australasian Plant Conservation 20, no. 4, pg. 13

Honours Thesis:

Ross, C (2013) What’s Killing the Trees – an investigation of Eucalypt dieback in the Monaro region, NSW. Honours thesis – Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU.