Frank Mills

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After a decade on a joint appointment in the ANU's Research School of Physics and Engineering (RSPE) and Fenner School of Environment and Society, I moved in 2015 to a position solely in Fenner. Throughout 2015-2017, I served as at least one of Fenner's Acting Associate Director (Education), Deputy Director for Education, and Associate Director (Undergraduate Coursework). I am affiliated with the ANU's Planetary Science, Climate Change, and Energy Change Institutes. I also hold a grant-funded position with Space Science Institute in the USA. For most/all of 2020 I am a visiting researcher at the University of Texas Austin.
I have supervised student research projects in the Astrophysics, Earth Science, Engineering, Environment, and Physics programs.
I convened the Honours program in the Fenner School from late-2012 until mid-2018. I also have convened and lectured in Thermal and Statistical Physics (PHYS2020), Climatology (ENVS3013/6303), and Climate Change Science and Policy (ENVS3020/6307) and have contributed to Physics for Future Leaders (PHYS2205), Ocean and Atmosphere Modelling (EMSC3029), Fundamentals of Climate System Science (EMSC2021), Planetary Science (EMSC3022), and Weather, Climate and Fire (ENVS2004).
I have been a Supporting Investigator for ESA's Venus Express mission, Guest Investigator for JAXA's Akatsuki's mission, adjunct member of the Japan science team for ASTER, member of an ISSI International Team studying SO2 on Venus, invited participant in an ISSI/Europlanet workshop on exoplanetary atmospheres, and member of ICPAE of the IAMAS.
Research interests
My principal resarch interests are the transmission of radiation through planetary atmospheres and its impact on atmospheric chemistry. Recent research includes: atmospheric chemistry on Venus and the Earth, simulation of atmospheric chemistry on extrasolar planets, analysis of data and simulations for Australia's climate, and solar energy forecasting.
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