George Wilson

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Peer Reviewed
Melanie Edwards and George Wilson (2023) Market opportunities for methane abatement and carbon storage through improved kangaroo grazing management, AgriFutures Australia publication no. 23-094 AgriFutures Australia project no. Publication no. 23-094 PRO-015092, ISBN 978-1-76053-387-8 Market opportunities for methane abatement and carbon storage through improved kangaroo grazing management | AgriFutures Australia
Wilson George R and Edwards Melanie (2021) Options and rationale for improved property-based kangaroo production, Ecological Management & Restoration 22(S1): 176-185.
Read, John L., Wilson, George R., Coulson, Graeme, Radford, James Q. (2021)
Introduction to special edition on overabundant macropods Ecological Management & Restoration 22(S1): 5-8.
Read, John L., Wilson, George R, Coulson, Graeme, Cooney, Rosie.,. Paton, David C.,. Moseby, Katherine E., Snape, Melissa A., Edwards, Melanie J. (2021) Improving Kangaroo Management - a Joint Statement. Ecological Management & Restoration, 22: 186-192.
Wilson G, Edwards M, Byron N (2020) Custodianship of wildlife on private land to support conservation – an Australian model. The Rangeland Journal 42, 309-321.
Wilson, G. R. and M. Edwards (2019) "Professional kangaroo population control leads to better animal welfare, conservation outcomes and avoids waste." Australian Zoologist 40, No. 1, pp. 181-202.: DOI:
Wilson, G (2018) The Failure of Kangaroo Harvesting Fails Animal Welfare, Australasian Science Jan page 39
Wilson, G. (2017), Review of ‘Carnivores of Australia: Past, Present and Future Alistair Glen and Chris Dickman, eds. CSIRO Publishing,. Austral Ecology, 42: e12-e13. doi:10.1111/aec.12435
Wilson, G. (2018). Co-production of livestock and kangaroos. Conservation through Sustainable Use of Wildlife Conference 30 August - 1 September 2016 (Eds) G. Baxter and T. Pople. Brisbane, University of Qld. Brisbane.
Wilson, G., M. W. Hayward and C. Wilson (2018). Trials of Market-based Incentives to Conserve Wildlife. Conservation through Sustainable Use of Wildlife Conference 30 August - 1 September 2016 (Eds) G. Baxter and T. Pople. Brisbane, University of Qld.
Wilson, G. R., M. W. Hayward and C. Wilson (2017). Market-Based Incentives and Private Ownership of Wildlife to Remedy Shortfalls in Government Funding for Conservation.
Conservation Letters:10 485 492.
Wilson G. (2012). Native Animals in Food Production. In: Food Security in Australia: challenges and prospects for the future (Ed) Farmar-Bowers, Q. Millar, J. and Higgins, V. (Springer Publishing).
Wilson, G. and Smits, J. (2012). Indigenous land use and conservation in the Anangu lands of central Australia. In: Conservation through sustainable use (Eds) John Merson, Rosie Cooney and Paul Brown. (Institute of Environmental Studies, University of New South Wales Press).
Wilson G. and Smits, J. (2012). Conservation for culture and livelihoods - Angas Downs, NT. In: Figgis, P., Fitzsimons, J. and Irving, J. (eds). Innovation for 21st Century
Conservation. Australian Committee for IUCN, Sydney.
Wilson, G., Edwards, M. and Smits, J. (2010). Support for Indigenous wildlife management in Australia to enable sustainable use. Wildlife Research 37(3) 255–263.
George Wilson, Melanie Edwards, Genevieve Carruthers (2009) Environmental Management Systems as Adaptive Natural Resource Management: Case Studies from Agriculture In Adaptive Environmental Management; A Practitioner's Guide, Allan, Catherine; Stankey, George Henry (Eds.) Springer, jointly published with CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia. 2009, XVI, 352 p.
Cooney, R., Archer, M., Baumber, A., Ampt, P., Wilson, G., Smits, J., Webb, G. (2011). THINKK again: getting the facts straight on kangaroo harvesting and conservation. Science Under Siege (Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Mosman).
Kuka Kanyini, Australian Indigenous Adaptive Management, George Wilson, Margaret Woodrow, (2009) In Adaptive Environmental Management; A Practitioner's Guide, Allan, Catherine; Stankey, George Henry (Eds.) Springer, jointly published with CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia. 2009, XVI, 352 p.
Wilson, G. and Edwards, M. (2008). Native wildlife on rangelands to minimize methane and produce lower-emission meat: kangaroos versus livestock. Conservation Letters 1, 119-128.
Cooney, R., Baumber, A., Ampt, P. and Wilson, G. (2009). Sharing Skippy: how can landholders be involved in kangaroo production in Australia? The Rangeland Journal 31, 283-92.
- Wilson, A. Knight & L. Liddle (2005) Increasing the numbers of wildlife preferred by Aboriginal Communities in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands, Game and Wildlife Science, Vol. 21, p. 687-695 Paris.
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Regional Wildlife Management Plan. A Plan for Kuka Kanyini – looking after game animals on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (2005) Conserving biodiversity, sustaining wildlife production and identifying employment and training opportunities for Anangu. George Wilson, Marlaina Pickering, Geoff Kay, Lynn Baker, Brad Nesbitt, Philippa Boardman, Ro Macfarlane, Ushma Scales, Jane Stanley, Sam Clayman, and Anne Dampney
Wilson, G., Pickering, M. and Kay, G. (2005). Angas Downs Indigenous Protected Area Plan of Management. Report prepared for Lisanote Pty Ltd. Australian Wildlife Services: Canberra.
Wilson, G. & Woodrow, M. (2009). Kuka Kanyini, Australian Indigenous Adaptive Management. In C. Allan & G. Stankey (Eds.), Adaptive Environmental Management: A practitioner's guide. Dordrecht: Springer.
Wild Animal Resources; their use by Aboriginal communities. Wilson GR, McNee A, Platts, P (1992) ISBN 0644248629 Bureau of Rural Resources, Australian Government Publishing Service Canberra.
Other more recent Reports, Magazine articles, Conferences and
George Wilson and Melanie Edwards (2020) Kangaroo Carcass Utilisation in the ACT -A Discussion Paper, A Report to Act Environment, Planning And Sustainable Development Directorate
Wilson GR (2018) Kangaroos can be assets rather than pests Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Conference Brisbane 2018
Wilson GR 2018 Kangaroos can be an asset rather than a pest Australasian Science January February 2018 39
Wilson GR 2017 A price for wildlife - can market-based incentives and private ownership of wildlife remedy shortfalls in government funding for conservation. Australasian Science March 2017 page 13
Contribution to Fenner School session at 2013 ANZSEE Conference
Carbon farming opportunities in rangeland management; What are they? Are they relevant to Direct Action?
Wilson, GR, Smits, J., Ross,J., Ryan, S. (2012) Rock Art on Angas Downs Indigenous Protected Area A report to Imanpa Development Association, Imanpa Northern Territory Angas Downs Indigenous Heritage Project, Indigenous Heritage Program, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPAC) Canberra.
Smits, J. Kay, G and Wilson G (2012). Angas Downs IPA Reptile Checklist. (Australian Wildlife Services). Access at:
Smits, J and Wilson G (2012). Angas Downs IPA Birding Checklist. (Australian Wildlife Services). Access at:
Smits, J and Wilson G (2012). Angas Downs Remote Cameras for Wildlife Monitoring – video report. (Australian Wildlife Services) Access at:
Smits, J. and Wilson, G. (2011). Indigenous land management for sustainable land and wildlife use on Angas Downs Indigenous Protected Area, Central Australia. Proceedings of the 7th International Wildlife Symposium, Kimberley, South Africa.
Wilson, G. and Smits, J. (2011). Australian conservation through sustainable use of kangaroos. Proceedings of the 7th International Wildlife Symposium, Kimberley, South Africa.
Wilson, G. and Smits, J. (2011). Sustainable wildlife enterprises - Wikipedia article. Access at:
Wilson, G. and Smits, J. (2011). Angas Downs IPA Fieldwork and Monitoring Report 2010-2011. (Australian Wildlife Services).
Wilson, G. and Smits, J. (2010). Angas Downs IPA Fieldwork and Monitoring Report 2009-2010. (Australian Wildlife Services).
Wilson, G. and Smits, J. (2010). Angas Downs Aerial Survey Report 2010. (Australian Wildlife Services). Access at:
Wilson, George and Edwards, Melanie (2008) Roo diet placed on greenhouse menu. Australasian Science 37
Earlier publications
Age Structure of Populations of Kangaroos (Macropodidae) Taken by Professional Shooters in New South Wales. Wilson G R (1975). Australian Wildlife Research 2:1-9.
Haematology of the Red Kangaroos Wilson G R and Hoskins LP (1975) Australian Veterinary Journal 51 146
The Determination of the Most Suitable Drug for the Immobilization and Restraint of Kangaroo Using Projectile Syringes. Wilson G R (1975). M.V.Sc. Thesis, University of Sydney.
How Kangaroos Swim. Wilson G R (1974). Search 5:11-12.
Molluscum contagiosum in a Red Kangaroo. Bagnall B and Wilson G R (1974). Australian Journal of Dermatology 15:115-120.
The Restraint of Kangaroos Using Etorphine-Acepromazine and Etorphine-Methotrimeprazine Mixtures. Wilson G R (1974). Australian Veterinary Journal 50:146-149.
The Distribution of the Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby in NSW. Wilson G R, Gerritsen J and Milthorpe P L (1976). Australian Wildlife Research 3:73-78.
Intramuscular Anaesthesia in the Red Kangaroo. Wilson G R (1976). Australian Veterinary Practitioner 6:51-62.
Natural History of Metatheria. Russell E M, Lee A K and Wilson, G R (1989). pp 505-526 in Walton D W and Richardson B J (eds), Fauna of Australia, Mammalia. Vol 1b. Bureau of Flora and Fauna, AGPS, Canberra.
Improving the Management of Kangaroos. Wilson G R (1988). in D Lunney and G Grigg (eds) Kangaroo Harvesting and the Conservation of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands: Proceeding of a Royal Zoological Society (NSW) Conference May 14 1988; University of New South Wales. Australian Zoologist 24(3):158-160.
Integrating kangaroo use and other wildlife with agriculture in Australia, (2004) Wilson GR Game and Wildlife Science, Vol. 21, (4) p. 843-851 Paris
Wilson, G and M Edwards (2008) Native wildlife on rangelands to minimize methane and produce lower-emission meat: kangaroos versus livestock. Conservation Letters 1(4): 119-128.
Aerial Survey
Numbers Distribution and Harvesting Rate of Kangaroos on the Inland Plains of New South Wales. Caughley, G, Sinclair, R G and Wilson G R (1977). Australian Wildlife Research 4:99-108.
Time of Day and Aerial Counts of Grey Kangaroos. Hill G J E, Barnes A and Wilson G R (1985). Journal of Wildlife Management 49:843-849.
Correcting for Incomplete Sighting in Aerial Surveys of Kangaroos. Barnes A, Hill G J E and Wilson G R (1986). Australian Wildlife Research 13:339-348.
An Aerial Survey of Feral Pigs and Emus in South Eastern Queensland. Wilson G R, Hill G J E and Barnes A (1987). Australian Wildlife Research 14: 515-520.
The Effect of Drought on Kangaroo Populations: A Comment. Hill G J E, Barnes A and Wilson G R (1987). Journal of Wildlife Management. 51(3):602-603.
Grey Kangaroos on Wheat Crops in Southern Queensland. Hill G J E, Barnes A and Wilson G R (1988). Australian Wildlife Research 15:111-117.
Aerial Survey Techniques. Wilson G R (1987). SCA Vertebrate Pests Conference, Coolangatta.
Population Ecology
Haematology, Weight and Condition of Captive Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) infected with Caecal Threadworm (Trichostrongylus tenuis). Wilson G R and Wilson L P (1978). Research in Veterinary Science 25:331-336.
Effects of the Caecal Threadworm Trichostrongylus tenuis Upon Red Grouse. Wilson G R (1979). PhD Thesis, University of Aberdeen.
Trichostrongylus of Red Grouse in Scotland. Wilson G R (1981). in Wildlife Diseases of the Pacific Basin and Other Countries. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Wildlife Diseases Association. Sydney.
The Prevalence of Caecal Threadworms (Trichostrongylus tenuis) in Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus). Wilson G R (1983). Oecologia 58:265-269.
Endangered Species
The Conservation Status of Australian Animals. Ride W D L and Wilson G R (1982). in Species at Risk: Research in Australia (Eds. Groves R H and Ride W D L) Australian Academy of Science, Canberra.
Towards Informed Management. Ride W D L and Wilson G R (1982). in Species at Risk: Research in Australia (Eds. Groves R H and Ride W D L) Australian Academy of Science, Canberra.
Biological Conservation. Wilson G R, Harrington, G N, Wilson, A D and Young M D (1984). in Management of Australia's Rangelands Ed. Harrington G N, Wilson A D, and Young M D, CSIRO, Australia.
Cultural Values, Conservation and Management Legislation. Wilson G R (1987). Chapter 12, Vol 1., Fauna of Australia, Bureau of Flora and Fauna, Canberra.
The Development of the National Conservation Strategy for Australia (1987). Wilson G R. Environmental Conservation 14:111-116.
Improving the Scientific Component of Conservation Planning. Wilson G R (1990). Australian Zoologist 26:62-63.
Reintroduction of macropods in Australia - a review. Short, J, Bradshaw, S D, Giles, J, Prince, R I T, and Wilson, G R (1992). Biological Conservation 62: 189-204
A Strategic Plan for Trialling Sustainable Wildlife Enterprises, Wilson GR and Mitchell B (2005) Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra
Implementation of Sustainable Wildlife Enterprise Trials;
Plans for Wildlife Management Conservancies and supporting projects. Wilson GR and Mitchell B (2005) Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra
Vertebrate Pest Management including exotic disease control
Pest Animals in Australia; A survey of introduced wild animals. Wilson G R, Dexter N, O'Brien, P H, Bomford M (1992) Kangaroo Press and Bureau of Rural Resources, Sydney
Red Deer in Scotland. Wilson G R (1979). Proceedings No. 49, Post Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney.
Wildlife and Exotic Animal Disease Emergencies in Australia: Planning an Effective Response to an Outbreak. Wilson G R and O'Brien P (1989). International Journal of Disaster Management 1,3:30-36.
Vertebrate Pests and Exotic Animal Disease Plans. Wilson G R (1987). SCA Vertebrate Pests Conference, Coolangatta.
Management of Feral Animals and Vertebrate Pests. Wilson G R (1988). in Proceedings of Fauna Course of Post Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney.
Rabies Contingency Planning; the Wildlife Perspective. Wilson G R (1992). in O'Brien, P & Berry, G (eds) `Wildlife Rabies Contingency Planning in Australia'. Bureau of Rural Resources Proceedings No 11. AGPS, Canberra.
Aboriginal rural industries, employment policies and economic development
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rural Industries Strategy, (1994) ATSIC Woden, ISBN 0 642 22272x
Wild Animal Resources; their use by Aboriginal communities. Wilson GR, McNee A, Platts, P (1992) ISBN 0644248629 Bureau of Rural Resources, Australian Government Publishing Service Canberra.
Implementing the Rural Industries Strategy at Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust, Lake Entrance, Victoria (1995) ACIL Canberra.
Economic Development Plan for the ATSIC Wagga Wagga Region (June 1998) Binaal Billa Regional Council, Wagga 85 pages - with FOCUS Pty Ltd
Aboriginal aspirations for the Use of their land, Component 4 of National Land Management Research Project (1999) Indigenous Land Corporation, Adelaide
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Regional Wildlife Management, A scoping study to support investments in a plan to increase the numbers of wildlife preferred as bushtucker. – Kuka Kanyini (2002). A report commissioned by Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Management (APY) Land Management with support from the Indigenous Protected Areas Program, Anangu Education Services SA, National Parks and Wildlife South Australia, and Environment Australia - Uluru National Park.
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Regional Wildlife Management Plan. A Plan for Kuka Kanyini – looking after game animals on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (2005) Conserving biodiversity, sustaining wildlife production and identifying employment and training opportunities for Anangu. George Wilson, Marlaina Pickering, Geoff Kay, Lynn Baker, Brad Nesbitt, Philippa Boardman, Ro Macfarlane, Ushma Scales, Jane Stanley, Sam Clayman, and Anne Dampney
Wilson, G., Pickering, M. and Kay, G. (2005). Angas Downs Indigenous Protected Area Plan of Management. Report prepared for Lisanote Pty Ltd. Australian Wildlife Services: Canberra.
Wilson, G. & Woodrow, M. (2009). Kuka Kanyini, Australian Indigenous Adaptive Management. In C. Allan & G. Stankey (Eds.), Adaptive Environmental Management: A practitioner's guide. Dordrecht: Springer.
Wilson, G., Edwards, M. and Smits, J. (2010). Support for Indigenous wildlife management in Australia to enable sustainable use. Wildlife Research 37, 255–263.
Wilson G, Smits J and Woodrow M (2012). Indigenous land use and conservation in central Australia: Opportunities for sustainable use of wild resources to assist addressing Indigenous need. In Conservation through Sustainable Use. Editors: Merson & Brown. University of NSW Press.
Wilson, GR, Smits, J., Ross,J. Ryan, S. (2012) Rock Art on Angas Downs Indigenous Protected Area A report to Imanpa Development Association, Imanpa Northern Territory Angas Downs Indigenous Heritage Project, Indigenous Heritage Program, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPAC) Canberra.
Environment Management Systems
Wilson, G., Edwards, M. & Carruthers, G. (2009). Environmental Management Systems as adaptive natural resource management. Case studies from agriculture. In C. Allan & G. Stankey (Eds.), Adaptive Environmental Management: A practitioner's guide. Dordrecht: Springer.
Industry development
Wilson GR (1999) Australian Camel Racing; Assessing International Competitiveness
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
Publication no 99/120 ISBN 0 642 57983 0
Pilkington, M; Wilson GR (1993) Australian horses as a primary industry; numbers, organisation and research needs. Australian Government Publishing Service, Bureau of Resource Sciences Canberra
ISBN: 0 644 32427 9
Wilson, G. and P. Smetana (1997). Sustainable Economic Use of Native Australian Birds and Reptiles, Can controlled trade improve conservation of species? Canberra, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
Other Publications, Reports Short Articles, and Magazine Contributions
The Hand Rearing of Marsupials. Wilson G R (1972). Postgraduate Committee in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, Control and Therapy Note 95.
The Status of the Yellow-Footed Rock-Wallaby in New South Wales. Wilson G R (1974). Journal of the Australian Mammal Society 1:305.
The Management of Kangaroos. Wilson G R (1974). Parks and Wildlife 1:111-119.
A Note on Feral Mammal Control in New Zealand. Wilson G R (1975). Journal of the Australian Mammal Society 1:399-400.
Wildlife Management in Australia with Special Reference to Kangaroo. Wilson G R (1975). Paper presented at Australian Veterinary Conference, Hobart.
The Relationship Between Nature Conservation and Game Management. Wilson G R (1975). Proceeding of Australian Deerstalkers Federation Conference, Australian National University.
Another Look at Grouse Disease. Wilson G R (1977). Country Landowner 28:30-31.
Threadworms in Red Grouse. Wilson G R (1978). Annual Report (1978) The Game Conservancy, Fordingbridge.
Malarial-Type Parasites in Red Grouse. Wilson G R and Wilson L P (1978). Annual Report (1978) the Game Conservancy, Fordingbridge.
Survival of the Fittest. Wilson G R (1978). The Field 453:776.
Report ot HRH Duke of Edinburgh on capture and movement of red deer from Balmoral to Windsor Great Park, (1980) British High Commission, Canberra.
Report of the Australian Delegation to the Third Meeting of Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna, New Delhi. Wilson G R (1981). Department of Foreign Affairs, Canberra
Endangered Animals - An Overview. Wilson G R (1983). Australian Ranger Bulletin 2(3):76-78.
A National Conservation Strategy for Australia. Wilson G R (1981). Habitat 9:8-10.
Preservation of Marine Animals. Wilson G R and McNamara K J (1981). Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Canberra.
Proceedings of the National Seminar 1981 - National Conservation Strategy for Australia (1982). (G R Wilson, ed.) Department of Home Affairs and Environment, Canberra.
Notes on Policy in Arid Lands, Report from Workshop 7, Wilson G R (1982). in What Future for Australia's Arid Lands. Proceedings of the National Arid Lands Conference, Broken Hill, Australian Conservation Foundation, Melbourne.
Towards a National Conservation Strategy - A Discussion Paper (1982) (G R Wilson, ed.). Department of Home Affairs and Environment, Canberra.
Conference Draft February 1983 - National Conservation Strategy (1982) (Wilson G R, ed.). Department of Home Affairs and Environment, Canberra.
The National Conservation Strategy. Wilson G R (1983). UNESCO Review No. 8:2-5.
Nature of Resource Management Problems; a National Conservation Strategy for Australia. Wilson G R and Shevlin M (1983). in Resource Management ed Wadhwa L C, James Cook University of North Queensland.
Submission to Senate Select Committee on Animal Welfare, Wilson G R (1984). Canberra.
National Planning for Feral Animal Control. Wilson G R (1985). in Proceedings of Regional Inspectors Workshop at Inglewood, Rural Lands Protection Board, Brisbane.
Animal Welfare Policies. Report to DPIE (1987). Internal Report DPIE Canberra.
Aboriginals and Wildlife Management. Wilson G R (1989). Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, Melbourne.
Developing Complementary Livestock Industries. Wilson G R (1990). Keynote Address to Australian Rangelands Conference, Carnarvon, Western Australia.
In Search of Sustainable Development. Wilson G R (1990). Australian Veterinary Journal 67:N329.
Ecologically Sustainable Development: An animal industries or veterinary perspective. Wilson G R (1991) In: Proceedings of a Regional Forum on Sustainable Agriculture; February 25th 1991, Yass, NSW. Australian Institute of Agricultural Science Occasional Publication Number 67.
A database for Aboriginal lands - a preliminary assessment of strategic options for land use. Wilson G R (1993) Database descriptions and location information Yapp G & Dyce P a Report to ATSIC by Bureau of Resource Sciences.
The Case against Rabbits (1995) Report for the Proponent Committee for the introduction of Rabbit Calici Disease into Australia.
RHD Introduction to Australia, Report of the Interim Coordinator (May 1994)
Report to the Proponent Committee and the Meat Research Corporation.
Draft National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rural Industries Strategy, (1994) ATSIC Woden, ISBN 0 642 22272x
Workshop on quarantine processes and horse disease emergencies, (1995) Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, (RIRDC) Canberra.
Implementing the Rural Industries Strategy at Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust, Lake Entrance, Victoria (1995) ACIL Canberra.
A plan for the management of grey kangaroos at the Royal Canberra Golf Course, (1995) ACIL, Canberra.
Review of the processes for obtaining environmental and resource development clearance for an expansion of the NW Shelf Natural Gas project, (1995) ACil, Canberra.
Catchment Management Issues in the Snowy Mountains Area ( February 1996) ACIL Discussion Paper No for the Snowy Water and Environment Working Group on the Corporatisation of the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority.
Sustainable economic use of Australian reptiles and birds; Can controlled trade improve conservation? (1995) Report to the RIRDC, ACIL, Canberra
Review of Australia’s Quarantine Policies and Programs (1996) Submission to the Australian Quarantine Review Committee prepared for the National Farmers Federation.
Review of options for a traceback system for tracking sheep carcases. (1996) Report to Sheepmeat Council, Funded by Meat Research Corporation, Sydney
Feasibility Study of options for movement of Koalas from Kangaroo Island to forests of Western NSW (1997)- Australian Geographic Society, Sydney.
Economic Development Plan for the ATSIC Wagga Wagga Region (June 1998) Binaal Billa Regional Council, Wagga 85 pages - with FOCUS Pty Ltd
Opportunities and constraints on the Commercial use of Carp in NSW (April 1998) NSW Department of State and Regional Development Port Macquarie.
Property plan for Minjelha Dhagun (Mt Barney) with FOCUS Pty Ltd for Yugambeh people at Beaudesert Qld - funding by Indigenous Land Corporation.
Fishing Techniques and Residues - Possible constraints on the Commercial Development of Carp in NSW (April 1999) NSW Department of State and Regional Development Port Macquarie NSW
Aboriginal aspirations for the Use of their land, Component 4 of National Land Management Research Project 1999 Indigenous Land Corporation, Adelaide
A design for the proposed FATE Management Trial of Conservation through
Sustainable Commercial Use of Wildlife on the Rangelands. (2001) Report to Australian Museum, Sydney
Plan of Management for Angas Downs Indigenous Protected Area (2005) Department of Environment and Heritage Canberra
The secret lives on wombats on red kangaroos – Portee tourism and conservation initiative. 2005 report to the Department of Industry Tourism and Resources, on behalf of Portee Station Pty Ltd Blanchetown, South Australia
Enterprises for Wildlife Management Conservancies; Identification of self-supporting, economically viable Sustainable Wildlife Enterprises in the Maranoa and Barkindji WMCs. A report to the National Landcare Program RIRDC Canberra
Sustainable Wildlife Enterprise Trials - Commercial value as an incentive for changing on-farm land management practices. A report for the National Landcare Program in accordance with the final milestone of the DAFF Deed of Grant to RIRDC under the Sustainable Wildlife Project (2008) George Wilson, Margaret Woodrow and Melanie Edwards. RIRDC Canberra.
Financial and strategic partnerships and marketing opportunities for Sustainable Wildlife Enterprises in the Maranoa and Barkindji WMC’s. A report to the National Landcare Program
Research interests
Conservation and improved animal welfare through sustainable wildlife use on the rangelands such integration of kangaroos into pastoral production.
Incentives to promote conservation of threatened species and other wildlife on private land including Indigenous protected areas.
Carbon management and production of low emission kangaroo meat
Indigenous land and wildlife management
Veterinary conservation biology and aerial surveys