Giselle Cruzado Melendez

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Giselle is Peruvian of Indigenous American descent, with Spanish and Asian heritage.  She is a passionate forester that completed a bachelor’s degree in forestry engineer at the UNALM-Peru, and a Master of Science in forest resources (Conservation of ecosystems) at the University of São Paulo-Brazil. Currently, she is undertaking a PhD at the Fenner School of Environment & Society looking to engage with Aboriginal women to explore how their participation in natural resources-based value chains enables women to fulfil their aspirations.

Giselle has experience working with independent non-governmental organizations with various Indigenous communities in Peru, mainly in Integrated Conservation and Development Projects. As a forester practitioner, she has had the opportunity of working closely with Indigenous women and men from the highland’s forests, aiming to tackle problems as illegal deforestation, achieve sustainable forests practices, and exploring economic alternatives, for example their participation in the non-timber forests products markets.

Giselle is interested in continuing to collaborate with Indigenous peoples, and especially with Indigenous women, providing safe spaces and platforms for their community-led and individual initiatives in the space of Women, Culture and Development.



Peer-reviewed articles 

Santiago, C. M.; Pimentel, D.S.; Melendez, G.C. 2015. O uso de indicadores na identificação e gestão dos impactos culturais do turismo. Revista Ibero-americana de Ciências Ambientais 6: 40-53.

Ferronato, B.O.; Cruzado, G. M. 2013. Uses, beliefs and conservation of turtles by Ashaninka indigenous people, central Peru. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12: 308-313.

Book Chapter

Cruzado Melendez, G., & Kanowski, P. (2022). Community forestry in Australia: Caring for Country, land, and the bush. In Routledge Handbook of Community Forestry (pp. 120-138). Routledge.


Masters Dissertation

Cruzado, G. M. (2007). Uso tradicional de "Potsotaroki" (Trichilia pallida) e a confecção de artesanato em uma Comunidade Indígena Asháninka, nas Áreas Protegidas de Vilcabamba, Peru. Master's Dissertation, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, University of São Paulo, Piracicaba.


Cruzado, G.M (2011). Forest resources and Ashaninka Traditional knowledge. Case study: Trichilia pallida as a natural dye. Monograph based on professional work experience to achieve Engineering degree. Unversidad  Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Peru. UNALM library.