Ian Fry

Associate Professor Ian Fry stands in front of a native shrub at the Fenner School and looks at the camera. He is wearing a suit and a string of shells around his neck.
Associate Professor
PhD (ANU), M Env Law (ANU), M Env Studies (Macq Uni), Grad Dip International Law (ANU), Grad Dip Media (UC), B App Sci (UC)

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Associate Professor Ian Fry is an international environmental law and human rights policy expert. He is dual citizen of Australia and Tuvalu and worked for the Tuvalu government for over 21 years and was appointed as their Ambassador for Climate Change and Environment 2015-2019. Ian is the former UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of Human Rights in the context of Climate Change. Ian is an international environmental law and human rights expert and provides environmental treaty negotiations training for developing countries and for youth delegates through the Climate Youth Negotiators Program.

Dr Fry is the Pacific Regional Representative to the United Nations for the International Council on Environmental Law, a member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, a Research Associate at the Centre for Climate Policy and Law (Australian National University Law School), a member of the Australian Association for Pacific Studies, the International Studies Association and the International Association for Small Island Studies.


Research interests

  • Climate change and population displacement
  • Security implications of climate change in the Pacific
  • Negotiating international environmental agreements.


Teaching information

Dr Fry is a part-time senior lecturer at the Fenner School of Environment and Society and convenes Environmental Policy and International Environmental Policy.


Forestry Building (48)


Ian Fry and Manjeet Dhakal, (2018), Piecing the Paris Puzzle: Links and Gaps in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, European Capacity Building Initiative, October, pp22, URL: https://www.ecbi.org/sites/default/files/Linkages%20in%20the%20Paris%20Agreement.pdf

Ian Fry, (2018), Climate Wordcraft,  Crafting Decision Text for Climate Change Negotiations: A guide for Least Developed Countries, Pandanus Environmental Consulting, Karabar, Australia, pp28.

Ian Fry (2016) “Implications for Adaptation and Loss and Damage”, Seminar, V683, July, pp20-25

Ian Fry (2016) “Moving Forward on Loss and Damage”, APCEL Climate Change Adaptation Platform, URL: law.nus.edu.sg/apcel/cca/Moving Forward on Loss and Damage_Ian Fry (Final).pdf, pp7.

Ian Fry (2016) “The Paris Agreement: An Insider’s Perspective – The Role of Small Island Developing States”, Environmental Policy and Law, v46:2, pp105-109.

Ian Fry, (2013), Climate Change Talks Stutter in Bonn, Environmental Policy and Law, V 43, N 4-5, pp186-189.

Ian Fry, (2011), Climate Change Roadshow Moves to Bonn, Environmental Policy and Law, V 41: N 4/5, pp185-188.

Ian Fry (2011) “If a Tree Falls in a Kyoto Forest and Nobody is There to Hear it, will it be Accounted for? An Insider’s View of the Negotiations Surrounding Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry for the Second Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol”.

Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 2011.

Ian Fry (2011) Setting the Climate Agenda in Bangkok, Environmental Policy and Law, Volume 41, Number 3, p115.

Ian Fry (2010), Pacific Island Countries Regional Meeting for CBD COP-10, Environmental Policy and Law, Volume 40, Number 6, p 341.

Ian Fry, (2010), The Disappearance of “1.5 Degrees Celsius”, Environmental Policy and Law, Volume 40, No. 5, p215.

Ian Fry and María Gutiérrez (2010) “Taking the Floor” A negotiations training guidebook for Pacific Island Countries, SPREP.

Ian Fry (2010), “Moving Beyond Copenhagen – A Small Island State's Perspective”, Guest Article 37, Climate-L , <">http://climate-l.org/2010/03/18/guest-article-37-moving-beyond-copenhage...

Ian Fry, (2009), Book Review, "The Earthscan Reader on Adaptation to Climate Change", edited E. Lisa F. Schipper and Ian Burton, published by Earthscan, 2008, in: Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 18(2), 2009, p223-226.

Ian Fry (2009) TINPass -The International Negotiations Passport for Developing Countries, Tidal Influence Media.

Ian Fry and María Gutiérrez, (2008) In a Nutshell: A guide to Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry for Non Experts in Developing Countries, Tidal Influence Media.

Ian Fry, (2008) Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation: Opportunities and Pitfalls in Developing a New Legal Regime, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 17(2).

Barnett, Jon, Lambert, Simon and Fry, Ian (2008) ‘The Hazards of Indicators: Insights from the Environmental Vulnerability Index’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 98:1, 102-119.

Ian Fry, "More twists, turns and stumbles in the Jungle: a further exploration of land use, land use change and forestry decisions within the Kyoto Protocol", 2007, RECIEL, 16:3,  341-355.

Ian Fry, (2007) ”Who Pays to Save Tuvalu?” Entwicklung & Ländlicher Raum, Inhalt 5.

Ian Fry, (2007), Book Review: "The Organization of Global Negotiations: Constructing the Climate Change Regime", by Joanna Depledge, Earthscan, 2005, in RECIEL 16 (1), 109-111.