Katrina Proust

Honorary Senior Lecturer
BA, LLB, MLitt (Syd), PhD (ANU)

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My background in historical archaeology allows me to study the historical factors and the feedback behaviour that shape relationships between humans and our environment.

I have worked with the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, of the International Council for Science (ICSU) in its Urban Health Programme (2012-2016). This work led to collaboration with the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health in Malaysia (2014-2018) on the social and environmental determinants of public health. In 2016 we won a Wellcome Trust Seed Award in the Medical Humanities to investigate historical factors that influenced public health and urban planning in colonial George Town, Penang. 

Other collaboration has been with Academia Sinica Taiwan (2014-2017) in developing and facilitating systems thinking workshops on air quality and public health.


Research interests

My principal research interest is the development of methods for practical systems thinking. This work is centred on an integrative approach called Collaborative Conceptual Modelling (CCM).  

Teaching information

I am interested in supervising student projects which apply systems thinking to complex human-environment issues and relationships, including projects on urban health, and in the coastal zone of the NSW far south coast