Liz Hanna

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Research interests
Human health impacts of climate change
Heat exposure - effects on health and productivity
Planetary Health - Environmental sustainability
Environmental health assessment
Environmental Determinants of Health
Disasters - climate related: Community impacts and resilience & public health responses.
Chemical exposures & Chemical management frameworks
Occupational Health & Safety
Health sector workforce - training, competencies and skills
Articles currently under review
- Marcus H, Hanna L, Tait P, & Wannous C. (2021). Climate Change and the Public Health Imperative for Supporting Migration as Adaptation. Journal of Migration and Health, in prep.
- Marcus H, Toolan N, Hanna L, & Wannous C. (2021). Legal Implications of the Climate-Health Crisis: A Case Study Analysis of The Role of Public Health in Climate Litigation Lancet Planetary Health, under review.
- Davis C, & Hanna EG. (2021). Influence of weather and climate on disease and illness in the Australian Imperial Force during the First World War Climate Research, under review.
- Hanna L. (2021). AAG Rapid Evidence Assessment: Research on Heatwaves and Older People in Australia. Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG)
- Hanna EG. (2020). Climate Change amplifies indoor heat stress risks across Australia’s tropical north International Journal of Biometeorology, Under review.
Published Articles
- Marcus H, & Hanna L. (2021). Barriers to Climate Disaster Risk Management for Public Health: Lessons from a Mixed-Methods Survey of National Public Health Representatives Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness(19th August ), pp1-4. doi: DOI:
- Marcus H, & Hanna L. (2020). Understanding National Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation for Public Health: A Mixed-Methods Survey of National Public Health Representatives. International Journal of Health Governance, 25(4), 287-306. doi:
- Carducci A, & Hanna E. (2020). Preserve, prepare, and prevent: environmental actions against pandemics in the COVID-19 era. The Federation’s Pages. Journal of Public Health Policy, 41(4), 548-554. doi: 10.1057/s41271-020-00240-3
- Hanna L. (2020). Australia’s 2019-2020 bushfires potently foretell humanity’s future: our survival is under threat. WFPHA Federation Pages. Journal of Public Health Policy, 41(3), 390-394. doi:
- Hanna L. (2020). Car accidents, drownings, violence: hotter temperatures will mean more deaths from injury The Conversation, January 14th. ,
- Hanna L. (2020, June 5th). World Environment Day | 5 June 2020 Wake-up call. Retrieved from
- Lu P, Zhao Q, Xia G, Xu R, Hanna E, Li S, et al. (2020). Temporal trends of the association between ambient temperature and cardiovascular mortality: a 17-year case-crossover study. Environmental Research Letters, online 31 July 2(ERL-108933), DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abab1033. doi:
- Hanna L. (2019). How rising temperatures affect our health The Conversation, 19th September,
- Ripple, W. J., Wolf, C., Newsome, T. M., Barnard, P., Moomaw, W. R., Hanna EG, et al. (2019). World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency. BioScience, On Line 5th Nov( doi: 10.1093/biosci/biz088
- MacKee N, Hanna L, Tong S, & Blashki G. (2018). Health and climate change: call for urgent action MJA Insight, 13(9 April), 2.
- Hanna L. (2018). Why Australia needs a Climate and Health Community of Interest The Hive, 24 (Summer 2018 - 2019), 16-17. doi:
Book Chapters
- Hanna EG. (2019). Health and the Living Environment. In Liamputtong P (Ed.), Social Determinants of Health (pp. Chapter 11). Sydney: Oxford University Press.
- Hanna EG, Mercado SP, & de Pinho-Campos K. ((In Press)). Urban climate change resilience: a desired health promotion outcome for the 21st century. In Lin V, Fawkes S, Englehart K, & Mercado SP (Eds.), Health Promotion Systems and Strategies in Asia - Preparing for the Asia Century Springer.
News media Interviews
- Sibthorpe C, & Hanna L. (2019). Heatwave conditions could be fatal for outdoor workers if temperature cut-off not introduced, expert says. ABC News Retrieved from:
- Carvan T, Hanna L, Lal A, & Steffen W. (2019). How do we go on? ANU Science Opinion. Canberra: The Australian National University Retrieved from:
- Hanna E. (2019). Turning up the temperature: it’s extremely bad for health. Retrieved from
- Hanna L. (2019, 4th September ). Summer's coming, but we're not ready for heatwave hazards Canberra Times. Retrieved from
- Hanna L. (2019). The lesson Australia must learn from Europe’s heatwave response. Op-Ed. Climate Media Centre
- Hanna L. (2018, 27 Aug 2018). Our Future: How we can help drought-affected areas. The Land. Retrieved from
- Hanna L. (2018). The science and health impacts of climate change. MJA Podcast. Episode 24. MJA, 208(7-9 April),
Conference Presentations
- Hanna L. (2018, 18th April). Is climate change impacting human health? Paper presented at the Australian Medical Association Forum, The Canberra Hospitals, ANU Medical Auditorium.
- Hanna L. (2018). “The Sleeper Awakes” Planetary Health: Awakening after a long sleep. Keynote Address. Plenary 3. Planetary Health Paper presented at the PHAA 45th Annual Conference, Cairns Pullman International Conference Centre.
- Hanna L. (2018). Climate Change: Its influence on human populations. How can & should the health sector respond? Keynote Address. Paper presented at the World Environment Day. Preparing and Protecting Health Into The Future, Warrnambool Hospital
- Hanna L. (2019, 19th February). Health Sector Specific Climate Indices. Paper presented at the ET-SCI UN/WMO Commission for Climatology, Sydney
- Hanna L. (2021). Accelerated warming: Heat – threatening Australia’s health. Climate Change IS a Health Emergency. Invited Address. Paper presented at the Stonnington Climate Emergency forum Stonnington Town Halll, Melbourne & On Line.
- Hanna L. (2021). Healthy Soils = Healhty People. Invited Address. Paper presented at the Gippsland Soil Health Discussion - Virtual Meeting – Nov 13th 2021, On Line.
- Hanna L. (2021). Women in Climate Change – Confronting Australia's Fires. Paper presented at the Women in Climate and Health, Parliamentary Lawns. Parliament House. Canberra.
- Hanna L. (2021). Accelerated warming: Heat – threatening Australia’s health. Climate Change IS a Health Emergency. Invited Address. Paper presented at the Darebin – Climate Action Now, Darebin Town Halll, Melbourne & On Line.
- Hanna L. (2020, October 21st). Injuries climate extremes: Observed trends and future risks to human health. Paper presented at the Climate Change and Injury Prevention webinar, Western Australia - Injury Matters. On Line.
- Hanna L. (2020, 27th May). Accelerated Warming. Heat threatens health & survival. Paper presented at the Climate and Health Webinar, On Line.
- Hanna L. (2020, 25th February). Climate Change and Human Health: Considerations for the Northern Territory. Paper presented at the Northern Territory Climate Policy Forum, Webinar to Darwin, NT.
- Hanna L. (2020). Climate Change IS a Health Emergency. Paper presented at the National Climate Change Emergency, Melbourne Town Hall.
Conference abstracts
- Hanna L. (2020). Food and water insecurities in a warming climate: What role for Public Health? 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020 Public Health for the future of humanity: analysis, advocacy and action. Workshop 1.D. European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement_5), ckaa165.009. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa165.009
- Hanna, L. (2020). Overestimation of heat tolerance calls for health promotion to limit occupational heat risk. European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement_5), ckaa166.112. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa166.112
- Hanna, L. (2020). Climate change: past and projected threats to food and water security = public health emergency. European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement_5), ckaa165.010,. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa165.010
- Hanna L. (2020). Australia’s 2020 summer shows our changed climate future - a public health preparedness challenge. European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement 5 ), ckaa165.374. doi:
- Marcus, H., & Hanna, E. (2020). Understanding national barriers to climate change adaptation for public health - a global survey. European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement_5). doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa166.097
Policies & High Level contributions to public discourse (published online)
- Hanna L, & Rispel L. (2019). WFPHA Letter to Pacific Islands Forum in support of Nadi Bay Declaration. Geneva: Environmental Health Working Group of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) Retrieved from:
- Hanna L, & Rispel L. (2019). WFPHA Letter to Queensland Premier expressing concern for the negative impacts of opening new coal mines, from WFPHA President. Geneva World Federation of Public Health Associations Retrieved from:
- Hanna L. (2019). World Environmental Health Day – An annual reminder for action for everyday of the year. Geneva World Federation of Public Health Associations Retrieved from:
- Hanna L, Kent D, & WFPHA. (2020). A Call to Ban Coal for Electricity Production. Geneva: Environmental Health Working Group, World Federation of Public Health Associations General Assembly Retrieved from:
- Hanna L, & Marcus H. (2021). WFPHA Policy Statement on Climate Change. Geneva: Environmental Health Working Group, World Federation of Public Health Associations Retrieved from:
- Hanna L, & Ogge M. (2018). Cooked with gas. Extreme heat in Darwin. Canberra: The Australia Institute Retrieved from:
- Hanna L. (2020). World Environment Day | 5 June 2020 It's Time for Nature. Retrieved from:
- Hanna L, & Climate and Health Alliance. (2020a). Submission to Senate Standing Committee on Environment And Communications Legislation Committee Inquiry Into The Environment Protection And Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Bilateral Agreement Implementation) Bill 2014 and the Environment Protection And Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Cost Recovery) Bill 2014 [EBPC Amendment]. Submission No. 48. Canberra: Government of Australia Retrieved from:
- Hanna L. (2020). Submission to Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) Bill 2020 and Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2020. Submission 1935 Canberra: Government of Australia. House of Representatives Retrieved from:
- Hanna L. (2020). My Journey: Liz Hanna. In Backholer K, Browne J, Merone L, & Dawson A (Eds.), PHAA Celebrating International Women’s Day. PHAA Monograph Series No. 3 (pp. 34-35). Canberra: Public Health Association of Australia
- Hanna L. (2019). A warming Australia spells serious trouble for human health. Retrieved from
Older publications
- Kenny, M, Martin, P, Ison, S et al. 2020, Democracy Sausage with Mark Kenny: Stimulus shock and awe, and the Great Loo Roll Crisis.
- Davis, C & Hanna, E 2020, 'Seasonal temperature and rainfall extremes 1911-2017 for Northern Australian population centres: challenges for human activity', Regional Environmental Change, vol. 20, no. 4.
- Cunningham R, Kompas T, Hanna E, Jacobs B, McIntyre E, & Sharpe S. (2020). Cost of Climate Change on the Social Determinants of Health. Institute for Sustainable Futures. Report prepared for Climate Risk. Sydney: University of Technology Sydney, Institute for Sustainable Futures
Kenny, M, Hanna, E, McAllister, I et al 2019, Democracy Sausage with Mark Kenny: Palmer, polls, and postal votes.
Hanna, E & McIver, L 2018, 'Climate change: a brief overview of the science and health impacts for Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 208, no. 7, pp. 311-315pp.
- Zhang, Y, Beggs, P, Bambrick, H et al 2018, 'The MJA-lancet countdown on health and climate change: Australian policy inaction threatens lives', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 209, no. 11, pp. 474-474.
Hanna L. (2018). Why Australia needs a Climate and Health Community of Interest The Hive, 24(Summer 2018 - 2019), 16-17.
Hanna, E 2017, Planetary Health - Ignore it at our peril, pp. 4-5.
- McIver, L, Bowen, K, Hanna, E et al 2017, 'A 'Healthy Islands' framework for climate change in the Pacific', Health Promotion International, vol. 32, no. 3.
- Davis, C & Hanna, E 2017, 'Temperature and rainfall trends in northern Australia 1911−2013: implications for human activity and regional development', Climate Research, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 16pp.
- Tong, S, Berry, H, Ebi, K et al 2016, 'Climate change, food, water and population health in China', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 94, no. 10, pp. 759-765.
- Hughes, L, Hanna, E & Fenwick, J 2016, The silent killer: Climate change and the health impacts of extreme heat.
- Stanley, F, Hughes, L & Hanna, E 2016, 'Statement from the Australian Summit on Extreme Heat and Health'.
- Tong, S., Berry, H., Ebi, K. et al 2016, 'Climate change, food, water and population health in China', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 94, no. 10, pp. 759-765.
- McIver, L, Viney, K, Harley, D et al 2015, 'Climate change, overcrowding and non-communicable diseases: The 'triple whammy' of tuberculosis transmission risk in Pacific atoll countries', Annals of the ACTM, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 57-61.
- Hanna, E & Tait, P 2015, 'Limitations to Thermoregulation and Acclimatization Challenge Human Adaptation to Global Warming', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 8034-8074pp.
- Glass, K, Tait, P, Hanna, E et al 2015, 'Estimating Risks of Heat Strain by Age and Sex: A Population-Level Simulation Model', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 5241-5255.
- Tait, P & Hanna, E 2015, 'A conceptual framework for planning systemic human adaptation to global warming', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 10700-10722.
- Hanna, E 2015, Just not cricket - how climate change will make sport more risky. The Conversation. 2015; 2nd February:
- Hanna, E 2014, How can we avoid future 'epidemics' of heat deaths? The Conversation. 2014; (30 January):
- Hanna L. What to do in a heatwave. In: Steffen W, editor. Off the Charts: 2014 Was Officially the World's Hottest Year on Record;ISBN 978-0-9942453-2-8 (web): Climate Council of Australia Ltd.; 2015. p. 1.
- Hanna, E 2014, Federal Budget will actively worsen the health of people and planet, pp. 2pp.
- Hanna, E & McIver, L 2014, 'Small Island States- Canaries in the Coal Mine of Climate Change and Health', in Colin D Butler (ed.), Climate Change and Global Health, CABI Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 181-193.
- Buist, M, Jaffray, L, Bell, E et al. 2014, 'Utilisation of beds on the general medical unit by 'non-acute medical' patients: a retrospective study of incidence and cost in two Tasmanian regional medical hospital units', Internal Medicine Journal, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 171-177.
- Tait, P, McMichael, A & Hanna, E 2014, 'Determinants of health: the contribution of the natural environment', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 104-107.
- Hanna, E 2014, It's time for Australia to change its attitude to extreme heat, The Conversation. 2014; 21 January:
- Hanna, E 2015, A heatwave that's too hot for India to handle, with more to come, The Conversation. 2015; (28th May):
- Singh, S, Hanna, E & Kjellstrom, T 2015, 'Working in Australia's heat: health promotion concerns for health and productivity', Health Promotion International, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 239-250.
- Hanna, E 2013, 'Vulnerable States: Pacific Island Countries', in Jimmy Adegoke and Caradee Y. Wright (ed.), Climate Vulnerability. Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources: Volume 1 - Vulnerability of Human Health to Climate, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Kidlington and Burlington, pp. 165-182.
- Butler, C & Hanna, E 2013, 'Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Climate, and Health', in Jimmy Adegoke and Caradee Y. Wright (ed.), Climate Vulnerability. Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources: Volume 1 - Vulnerability of Human Health to Climate, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Kidlington and Burlington, pp. 69-78.
- Hanna, E, Harley, D, Xu, Y et al 2011, Overview of Climate Change Impacts on Human Health in the Pacific Region.
- Hanna, E., McMichael, A.J. & Butler, C.D. 2011, 'Climate Change and Global Public Health: Impacts, Research and Actions', in Richard Parker & Marni Sommer (ed.), Routledge Handbook in Global Public Health, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York, pp. 133-144.
- Hanna, E 2011, 'Health Hazards', in John Dryzek, Richard B. Norgaard, David Schlosberg (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society, Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, pp. 217-231pp..
- Hanna, E & Spickett, J 2011, 'Climate change and human health: Building Australia's adaptation capacity', Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 7S-13S.
- Bennett, C, Lilley, K, Yeatman, H et al 2010, 'Paving Pathways: shaping the Public Health workforce through tertiary education', Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 2.
- Sly, P, Hanna, E, Giles-Corti, B et al 2008, 'Environmental threats to the health of children in Australia: The need for a national research agenda'.
- Hanna EG, McCubbin J, Strazdins L, Horton G, 2011. 'Australia, "Lucky Country" or "Climate Canary": Her Childrens Future' In Bell E, Seidel BM, Merrick J. (eds) Climate Change and Rural Child Health. Nova Science. New York.
- Strazdins L, Friel S, McMicahel A, Woldenberg S, Hanna EG, 2011. 'Climate Change and Child Health in Australia' In Bell E, Seidel BM, Merrick J. (eds) Climate Change and Rural Child Health. Nova Science. New York.
- Hanna, E, Bell, E, King, D et al 2011, 'Climate change and Australian agriculture: a review of the threats facing rural communities and the health policy landscape', Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, vol. 23, no. 2 Supplement, pp. 105S-118s.
- Blashki G, Armstrong,G, Berry H, Weaver HJ, Hanna EG, Bi P, Harley D, Spickett J. 2011, 'Preparing health services for climate change in Australia', Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, vol. 23, no. 2 Suppl, pp. 133S-143S.
- Horton, G, Hanna, E & Kelly, B 2010, 'Drought, drying and climate change: Emerging health issues for ageing Australians in rural areas', Australasian Journal on Ageing, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 2-7.
- Hanna, E, Kjellstrom, T, Bennett, C et al 2010, 'Climate change and rising heat: Population Health Implications for Working People in Australia', Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 23(2 Supp):14S-26S
- Hanna, E, McCubbin, J, Strazdins, L et al 2010, 'Australia, Lucky Country or Climate Change Canary: what future for her rural children?', International Journal of Public Health, vol. 2, no. 4s, pp. 501-512.
- Strazdins, L, Friel, S, McMichael, A , Hanna E.G. 2010, 'Climate change and child health in Australia: Likely futures, new inequalities?', International Public Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 493-500.
- Hanna L, Handmer J, Ebi K, et al. Adapting to extreme heat. Side Event. 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change; June 28; Gold Coast Conference Centre: NCCARF; 2010. Available from: .
- Hanna L. Working in the heat: Climate change challenges for Australia. Australia & New Zealand Climate Forum ?? Southern Exposure; 2010 13-15th October Hobart: Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society.
- Hanna L. Bushfires and Public Health: Climate Change Impacts for Australia. 40th Public Health Association of Australia Annual Conference; 2010, 27 - 29 September; Adelaide: PHAA.
- Hanna L. Adaptation to extreme heat: Some don't like it hot. Adapting to extreme heat Side Event at 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change; June 28; Gold Coast Conference Centre: NCCARF; 2010. Available from:
- Strazdins L, McMichael T, Friel S, Hanna EG. Climate change and children's health: Likely futures, new inequities? Int J Pub Health. 2010; vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 493-500.
- Bennett CM, Lilley K, Yeatman H, Parker E, Geelhoed E, Hanna EG, Robinson P,. Paving Pathways: shaping the Public Health workforce through tertiary education. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy. 2010;7(2).
- Homer, C, Hanna, E & McMichael, A 2009, 'Climate change threatens the achievement of the millennium development goal for maternal health', Midwifery, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 606-612.
- Capon, A & Hanna, E, eds, 2009, Climate change: an emerging health issue, 20.
- Hanna, E 2009, 'Book review: Democratizing Technology: risk responsibility and the regulation of chemicals', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 585-585.
- Hanna, E 2008, 'Environmental Health and Policy in Australia', Ottawa: Conference Board of Canada. December.
- Sly P, Hanna E, Giles-Corti B, Immig J, McMichael T. Environmental threats to the health of children in Australia: The need for a national research agenda. ARACY ARC/NHMRC Research Network. 2008 March. Perth. Available from:
- Hanna L. Chemical management in Australia and community engagement: The good, the bad and the ugly. Asia-Pacific EcoHealth Conference '07; 2007 Nov 30-Dec 3; Melbourne: EcoHealth
- Hanna L. Chemical exposures and frameworks for harm minimization. A comparative analysis: Europe, the USA and Australia. 37th Public Health Association of Australia Annual Conference; 2006 September 26; Syndey: PHAA.
- Hanna L. Partnership-based approach to national chemicals management: The significance of engaging the community. Case study from Australia: NICNAS Community Engagement Charter. Thematic Working Group on Governance and Civil Society Participation & Strengthening Partnerships SAICM. United Nations Institute for Training and Research; Geneva: UNITAR; 2006. Available from: