Mr Lachlan McBurney

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Lachie has worked in the Victorian Central highlands since 2001, running the long term monitoring program and its associated studies like the Variable Retention Harvesting Experiment.
Each year he takes out hundreds of people on the popular summer Stagwatching program, monitoring the possums and gliders in the mountain ash forests.
A large focus of the Victorian study is the recovery of these forests after the 2009 Black Saturday wildfire. Tracking a documenting these changes is one of Lachie’s biggest interests, having worked in and loved the area for some years before the fire.
He lives locally in Healesville and assists the other Research Officers with bird and reptile surveys from Victoria to southern Queensland.
In 2016, he started a Masters Program researching the spatial ecology of the Critically Endangered Leadbeater’s Possum using GPS tracking devices.
You can read more about Lachie and his research at
- Lindenmayer, D. B. , Blair, D., McBurney, L., & Banks, S. (2015). Mountain Ash. CSIRO Publishing.
- Lindenmayer, D. B., Blair, D, McBurney, L, Banks, S. 2011, Forest Phoenix: How a great forest recovers after wildfire. CSIRO Publishing.
Selected Publications
- Lindenmayer, D. B., Wood, J., McBurney, L., Blair, D., & Banks, S. C. (2015). Single large versus several small: The SLOSS debate in the context of bird responses to a variable retention logging experiment. Forest Ecology and Management. 339, 1-10.
- Lindenmayer, D. B., Blair, D., McBurney, L., & Banks, S. (2014). Preventing the Extinction of an Iconic Globally Endangered Species-Leadbeater's Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri). Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species. 2(4).
- Lindenmayer, D. B., Blanchard, W., McBurney, L., Blair, D., Banks, S. C., Driscoll, D. A., Smith, A.L., & Gill, A. M. (2014). Complex responses of birds to landscape‐level fire extent, fire severity and environmental drivers. Diversity and distributions. 20(4), 467-477.
- Lindenmayer, D.B., Blair, D., McBurney, L., Banks, S.C., Stein, J.A.R., Hobbs, R.J., Likens, G.E. and Franklin, J.F. (2014). Principles and practices for biodiversity conservation and restoration forestry: a 30 year case study on the Victorian montane ash forests and the critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum. Australian Zoologist. 36, 441-460.
- Lindenmayer, D.B., Laurance, W.F., Franklin, J.F., Likens, G.E., Banks, S.C., Blanchard, W., Gibbons, P., Ikin, K., Blair, D., McBurney, L., Manning, A.D. & Stein, J.A.R. (2014). New policies for old trees: averting a global crisis in a keystone ecological structure. Conservation Letters. 7, 61-69.
- Lindenmayer, D. B., Blanchard, W., McBurney, L., Blair, D., Banks, S., Likens, G.E., Franklin, J. F., Laurence, W. F., Stein, J.A., & Gibbons, P. (2012). Interacting Factors Driving a Major Loss of Large Trees with Cavities in a Forest Ecosystem. PLoS ONE. 7(10).
- Lindenmayer, D.B., Wood, J.T., McBurney, L., Michael, D., Crane, M., MacGregor, C., Montague-Drake, R., Gibbons, P. and Banks, S.C. (2011). Cross-sectional versus longitudinal research: A case study of trees with hollows and marsupials in Australian forests. Ecological Monographs. 81, 557-580.
- Lindenmayer, D. B., Wood, J., McBurney, L., Michael, D., Crane, M., MacGregor, C., Montague-Drake, R., Gibbons, P. & Banks, S. C. (2011). Cross-sectional vs. longitudinal research: a case study of trees with hollows and marsupials in Australian forests. Ecological Monographs. 81(4), 557-580.
- Lindenmayer, D. B., Knight, E., McBurney, L., Michael, D., & Banks, S. C. (2010). Small mammals and retention islands: an experimental study of animal response to alternative logging practices. Forest Ecology and Management. 260(12), 2070-2078.
- Lindenmayer, D. B., Wood, J. T., McBurney, L., Michael, D., Crane, M., MacGregor, C., & Montague-Drake, R. (2010). Comparing bird species richness and assemblage composition between montane ash eucalypt forest and cool temperate rainforests–an empirical study from Victoria, south-eastern Australia. Emu. 110(2), 109-117.
- Lindenmayer, D. B., Welsh, A., Donnelly, C., Crane, M., Michael, D., Macgregor, C., McBurney, L., Montague-Drake, R., & Gibbons, P. (2009). Are nest boxes a viable alternative source of cavities for hollow-dependent animals? Long-term monitoring of nest box occupancy, pest use and attrition. Biological Conservation. 142(1), 33-42.