Nicholas Metherall

PhD Student

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Nick is currently completing his PhD through a joint cotutelle program between the University of the South Pacific and the Australian National University. His research focuses on ridge-to-reef environmental monitoring as well as GIS environmental modelling and remote-sensing land-sea frameworks through riparian corridors. He completed his MSc in the water science specialisation through courses in both the Fenner School as well as the Research School of Earth Sciences at the ANU. Nick also completed his MSc thesis research on quantifying the impacts of in-river gravel extraction on sediment transport in Fiji.

Nick's research areas and skills include: GIS and remote sensing, hydrological and environmental modelling, python, FullCAM carbon accounting, field sampling and measurements of surfacewater and groundwater chemical, geophysical and hydrological parameters and some ecological fieldwork sampling experience forestry biomass carbon assessments as well as sampling of benthic invertebrates and ichthyofauna.

He has worked in a range of Government Departments including the Federal Departments of Agriculture, Water and Environment, the Climate Change Division of the Department of Environment and Energy and the Australian Trade Commission. During this time, Nick also worked in environmental monitoring of the impacts of the Ranger Uranium Mine on the Magela floodplains and creeks adjacent close to Jabiru and Kakadu in the Northern Territory. Nick led a team of volunteers to secure second place in the MAXAR Spatial Challenge regional category through a project that combined Digital Globe sub-metre high resolution imagery with FullCAM modelling to assess regeneration of biomass carbon in the context of the 2019-20 bushfire recovery through a case study in Cann River, Gippsland. Nick was also the team lead for the Yadrava na Vanua team that gained first place in the Space for Planet Earth Competition to use satellite data to estimate carbon sequestration. The team was led by students and staff from the University of the South Pacific, University of Fiji and Fiji National University. 



Peer reviewed journal articles

Metherall, N., Veitayaki, J., Waqa-Sakiti, H., Beavis, S., Qamese, S., & Holland, E. A. (2023). GEF in the Pacific Islands: pathways to incorporate monitoring, ecosystem theory, and stewardship.

Metherall, N., Fretes, D. R. D., Mandibondibo, F., & Caucau, T. (2022). Assessing the Development Impact of the Sota Border Post Connecting Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Papua Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, 2(2), 95-122.

Metherall, N., Holland, E., Beavis, S., & Vinaka, A. M. D. (2021). Characterisation of pH variations along the Ba River in Fiji utilising the GEF R2R framework during the 2019 sugarcane season. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193(12), 828.

Metherall, N., & Caucau, T. (2021). Environmental monitoring and the geospatial sprawl of historic mining legacies in Australia. International Journal for Society Systems Sciences. Retrieved from

Korwa, J., Metherall, N., Rumabar, B., Mampioper, J., Ranathunga, T., (2021). Peri-urbanisation in Papua: a participatory and geospatial impact assessment of peri-urban development and transmigration in Port Numbay. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies. Retrieved from

Metherall, N., Effendi, J., Dews, G., Frans, S., Mella, W., Pello, J., Dhaja, C., Besh, A. (2016). "Au ume ma au ena”: my house and my mother: An investigation of environmental health and the traditional use of the ume kbubu in relation to maternal and neonatal mortality conditions in South Central Timor. International Journal of Indonesian Studies (IJIS), 3. Retrieved from


Peer reviewed reports

Metherall, N., & Tomlinson, M. (2018). Review of the potential effects of increased solute egress from mine tailings and waste rock on ecological connectivity in Magela Creek. Report no. RES-2016-005. Environmental Research Institute of the Office of the Supervising Scientist (ERISS). Darwin.



Metherall, N. (2020). Quantifying the effects of dry season aggregate extraction on downstream turbidity and sediment transport: a water quality and hydrology assessment of Dawasamu River. Submitted as requirement for completion of the Masters of Environment (MSc Advanced) at the Australian National University (ANU).

Metherall, N. (2015). Beyond islands of excellence: complexity and trade-offs within wide-scale rural community-driven development. Submitted as Honours Thesis (La Trobe University).



Metherall, N. (2019). ‘Hydrology Section’ Baseline Environmental Assessment of the Ba upper-catchment for the UNDP STAR Ridge-to-Reef Project. Retrieved from

Metherall, N. (2019). Hydrology Section of Drought Vulnerability Assessment for Ba and Macuata Province, Fiji. Retrieved from

Metherall, N. (2014). ‘Our village, our contribution: community-driven development as a participatory roadmap towards the sustainable development goals.’ Retrieved from’s+Faculty+of+Humanities+%26+Social+Sciences%29+copy.pdf


Scientific Posters

Metherall, N. (2019). A ridge to reef environmental monitoring framework: spatial and temporal variability in geochemistry, water quality and hydrological influences into alkalinity and pH ranges along the Ba River. (First prize, student category). Pacific GIS and RS Research Poster Competition First Prize Student Category. Retrieved from

Metherall, N. (2016). ‘A Framework for Effective Community Based Adaptation in Small Island Developing States’. CSIRO Poster Competition National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, (5-6 July 2016).