Richard Milner

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Richard is an Ecologist with the ACT Government Parks and Conservation Service. He is responsible for the design and implementation of large-scale grassland and woodland restoration programs, as well as research and monitoring to guide management of threatened species and communities in the ACT. His research interests include, restoration ecology, grassland ecology, invasive plants, urban biodiversity, behavioural ecology and conservation biology.
Research interests
- Restoration ecology
- Grassland ecology
- Invasive plants
- Urban biodiversity
- Behavioural ecology
- Conservation biology
Milner, R. N., Starrs, D., & Osborne, W. S. (2024). Worm‐lizards, ants, and bricks: A low‐impact monitoring method for the threatened Pink‐tailed Worm‐lizard Aprasia parapulchella. Austral Ecology, 49(2), e13490.
Smith, A. L., Kanjithanda, R. M., Hayashi, T., French, J., & Milner, R. N. (2023). Reducing herbicide input and optimising spray method can minimise non‐target impacts on native grassland plant species. Ecological Applications, e2864.
A Palmer, RNC Milner, B Howland, P Gibbons, GM Kay, CF Sato. (2022). Rock supplementation as an ecological restoration strategy for temperate grassland reptiles. Austral Ecology 47 (7), 1402-1414
L Hannan, DS Le Roux, RNC Milner, P Gibbons. (2019). Erecting dead trees and utility poles to offset the loss of mature trees. Biological conservation 236, 340-346
AL Smith, RL Barrett, RNC Milner. (2018). Annual mowing maintains plant diversity in threatened temperate grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 21 (2), 207-218
R Barrett, M Cosgrove, R Milner. (2018). Field Guide to Plants of the Molonglo Valley: Natural Temperate Grassland, Box-Gum Woodland, Riparian Vegetation. ACT Government, Canberra Australia.
A McDougall, RNC Milner, DA Driscoll, AL Smith. (2016). Restoration rocks: integrating abiotic and biotic habitat restoration to conserve threatened species and reduce fire fuel load
Biodiversity and conservation 25 (8), 1529-1542
RNC Milner, D Starrs, G Hayes, MC Evans. (2015). Distribution and habitat preference of the broad-toothed rat (Mastacomys fuscus) in the Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Australian Mammalogy 37 (2), 125-131
RNC Milner, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2012). Keeping up appearances: male fiddler crabs wave faster in a crowd. Biology Letters 8 (2), 176-178.
RNC Milner, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2011). Know thine enemy’s neighbor: neighbor size affects floaters’ choice of whom to fight. Behavioral Ecology 22 (5), 947-950.
RNC Milner, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2011). Non-independent mate choice in a fiddler crab: a case of stimulus enhancement. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65 (7), 1419-1424.
JM Drayton, RNC Milner, MD Hall, MD Jennions. (2011). Inbreeding and courtship calling in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24 (1), 47-58.
RNC Milner, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2010). Eavesdropping in crabs: an agency for lady detection. Biology Letters 6 (6), 755-757.
JM Drayton, RNC Milner, J Hunt, MD Jennions. (2010). Inbreeding and advertisement calling in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus: laboratory and field experiments. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution 64 (10), 3069-3083.
RNC Milner, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2010). Safe sex: male–female coalitions and pre-copulatory mate-guarding in a fiddler crab. Biology letters 6 (2), 180-182.
RNC Milner, I Booksmythe, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2010). The battle of the sexes? Territory acquisition and defence in male and female fiddler crabs. Animal Behaviour 79 (3), 735-738.
RNC Milner, T Detto, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2010). Experimental evidence for a seasonal shift in the strength of a female mating preference. Behavioral Ecology 21 (2), 311-316.
RNC Milner, T Detto, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2010). Hunting and predation in a fiddler crab. Journal of ethology 28 (1), 171-173.
I Booksmythe, RNC Milner, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2010). How do weaponless male fiddler crabs avoid aggression? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64 (3), 485-491.
RNC Milner, MD Jennions, PRY Backwell. (2008). Does the environmental context of a signalling male influence his attractiveness? Animal Behaviour 76 (5), 1565-1570.
LT Reaney, RNC Milner, T Detto, PRY Backwell. (2008). The effects of claw regeneration on territory ownership and mating success in the fiddler crab Uca mjoebergi. Animal Behaviour 75 (4), 1473-1478.