Sue McIntyre

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Sue has lived and worked in rural landscapes across four states and six bioregions in eastern Australia.  A plant ecologist by training, her research has focussed on the interaction of natural ecosystems with human land use and strategies for their co-existence.

Sue was a Senior Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO, where for 20 years she worked with colleagues to develop important themes in landscape ecology and sustainable land use. She led major projects working with the rice industry, the livestock industry, and Land and Water Australia. For the International Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems program Sue ran a project involving scientists from 20 countries synthesizing research on the responses of vegetation to land use and disturbance.  She has over 100 refereeed publications and was recently listed among the world's top 2% of most highly cited scientists in ecology.

She has advised the federal government as a member of both the Council for Sustainable Vegetation Management and the Threatened Species Conservation Committee, and served on the board of Bush Heritage Australia for eight years.  Sue is a foundation partner in the Mulligans Flat - Goorooyarroo Woodland Experiment, a 1,400 ha woodland restoration project in the ACT.

In recent years, she has prioritized field-based work: hands-on management, research and observation.  The ongoing restoration of 50 hectares of grassy woodland and forest has been a means of understanding the critical elements of successful weed control and habitat management.

She is currently an Honorary Professor at the Fenner School at the Australian National University and an Honorary Fellow at CSIRO.  She continues to work at the interface of scientific publishing and a general readership.



Research interests

Landscape and community ecology - grassy eucalypt woodland and forest.

Plant functional ecology and the effects of grazing.

Restoration of grassy ecosystems using fire, grazing, weed management and plant introductions.