Integrative Methods & Application

Effective environmental management requires an understanding of the interactions between policy choices and complex social, economic, technical and environmental processes. Integrative research methods play a critical role in our ability to identify pathways towards sustainability.


Effective environmental management requires an understanding of the interactions between policy choices and complex social, economic, technical and environmental processes. Integrative research methods play a critical role in our ability to identify pathways towards sustainability.



Honorary Senior Lecturer

Emeritus Professor

Honorary Professor

Honorary Professor

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Emeritus Professor

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Emeritus Professor

Image of Bart Meehan

Honorary Lecturer

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Honorary Lecturer

Academic staff

Research Fellow

Research Fellow


We are all about wicked problems.

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What does it take to bring an extinct species back from the dead? Well, sometimes — a Woman's Day magazine.

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As climate change worsens, bushfires are likely to become more intense and frequent. We must find new ways of managing bushfires to prevent catastrophic events - satellite data can help in this task.

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Two farmers plow a field with a cow

Agriculture experts from The Australian National University (ANU) have teamed up with government bodies and NGOs in sub-Saharan Africa to improve irrigation schemes and boost crop production. The researchers' work is improving food security, reducing water waste and lifting people out of poverty.

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Image of Bushfire smoke in Lyneham, Canberra

Only one in five people sought medical attention but half reported anxiety, depression and sleep loss.

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Photo of the Latham's Snipe bird

Do you have a strong interest in migratory shorebird conservation? Would you like to obtain skills in bird capture and tracking studies? We are seeking a PhD applicant to work with a team of ecologists and citizen scientists running a national research and monitoring program on Latham’s Snipe.

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