Transforming irrigation in southern Africa

The project aims to find means of meeting the African government’s plans for greater food security while using limited water resources more sustainably.

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Our research on Transforming irrigation in southern Africa (TISA) (ACIAR LWR/2016/137) in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, aims to find means of meeting the African government’s plans for greater food security while using limited water resources more sustainably. The project is funded with support from the Australian Government via the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, with additional contributions from participating organisations.

The project is led in Australia by The Australian National University, with contributions from CSIRO Land and Water and the University of South Australia. Partners in Africa include the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Ardhi University of Agriculture in Tanzania, and the National Institute for Irrigation in Mozambique.

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Four people measure the health of crop plants in Africa.

Find out about how this project aims to improve farmer livelihoods, equity and community management in smallholder irrigation schemes in southern Africa.

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People gather in a circle on a dusty field.

Find out about how our research will collaborate with key stakeholders at the scheme, district, and national levels to determine how to broaden and increase the impact of our work.

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The following is a map of irrigation sites in each country. It includes approximate areas, type of system, significant crops.

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The project has a number of international and country partner institutions.

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The videos below were shot by Assoc Professor Jamie Pittock in April 2016. In these three to five minute videos, African research partners describe the changes that they have seen and the benefits emerging from the research activities.

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Media coverage and other related resources.

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Nine presentations given on the 13th August 2022, Frank Fenner Room, ANU.

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Convener of Affiliates