Some of the first ever recorded evidence of reproduction in blue whales, including underwater footage of a mother nursing its calf, has been captured as part of a decade-long research and citizen science program led by the ANU.
Australia’s ski industry is at risk of major disruptions and shorter seasons if the current level of climate pollution continues, according to new modelling from Protect Our Winters Australia (POW) and The Australian National University (ANU).
ANU ecologists and a cohort of New South Wales Local Aboriginal Land Councils are joining together on a project to re-introduce cultural burning in box-gum grassy woodlands and to monitor the environmental outcomes of the burns.
What does the evidence say about what tall, wet forests actually looked like 250 years ago? The answer matters because it influences how these forests are managed.
Dubbed "CSI, but for parrots", Dr George Olah is creating a forensic genomic toolkit which will help authorities to track the routes of illegally traded birds poached from the wild in Indonesia.
A new evaluation from ANU scientists of the number of swift parrots left in the wild has confirmed their population size is likely only a few hundred and declining rapidly.