Everything settler-colonists write, everything settler-colonists research, has an opportunity to be decolonised. That's right: there are no loopholes, no exceptions.
This article is a response to a piece of feedback the Decoloyarns editorial team received from a reader. They told us “you talk about decolonisation in your articles without saying what you think it means”.
The Fenner School has is celebrating PhD Scholar Xolile Ncube, who recently received Crawford Fund NextGen support for her doctoral research. Ms Ncube’s research evaluates the effectiveness of Agricultural Innovation Platform (AIP) initiated innovations for sustainable smallholder irrigation schemes.
Two parallel major new donations from HVP Plantations and the Kloeden Foundation, established by ANU Forestry graduate Adrian Kloeden and his family, enable ANU to offer four new $5000 awards for students with interests in plantation forestry.
Snow gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora) thrive in cooler, wetter conditions. But as temperatures warm, these iconic trees are being threatened by drought, fire and disease.