Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories about environment and society at ANU.

We're going on a beetle hunt

This is a story about what it's like to tackle an entirely new problem, so nothing is easy. Not even catching some beetles.

Let the hunt begin!

Disability advocate Marcus Dadd: ‘I hope I can inspire people to chase their dreams’

Fenner graduate and disability advocate Marcus Dadd has a passion for inclusive and sustainable practices in agriculture.

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Australia’s summer weather heats up

Professor Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick gives us the run down of what is expected to be Australia's hottest hummer on record.

Find out more.
Wednesday, 02 Nov 2022
  • News

Described as an "environmental despot", Jair Bolsonaro's election defeat has been welcomed by climate change scientists and activists.

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A close-up of actor John Cleese dressed in Roman papal attire, and pointing at the camera while mid-speech.
Wednesday, 02 Nov 2022
  • Decoloyarns

Everything settler-colonists write, everything settler-colonists research, has an opportunity to be decolonised. That's right: there are no loopholes, no exceptions.

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Two people
Tuesday, 01 Nov 2022
  • News

Southeast Australia’s bushfire crisis culminated in the devastating bushfire season of 2019 and 2020 that burnt nearly 25 million hectares of bush.

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A dam overflowing.
Friday, 28 Oct 2022
  • News

A story from the early days of the Abbott government still circulates in the halls of Parliament House.

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A comical and simple cartoon describes the process of realising that research is a bit more complicated than just getting out there and looking at the world.
Monday, 26 Sep 2022
  • Decoloyarns

This article is a response to a piece of feedback the Decoloyarns editorial team received from a reader. They told us “you talk about decolonisation in your articles without saying what you think it means”.

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To the left of a black background Xolile stands with her hands in her back pockets. She is smiling, and she is wearing glasses. Her hair is braided and forms a very cool purple up-do that is fringing the right side of her face.
Monday, 19 Sep 2022
  • Student profile

The Fenner School has is celebrating PhD Scholar Xolile Ncube, who recently received Crawford Fund NextGen support for her doctoral research. Ms Ncube’s research evaluates the effectiveness of Agricultural Innovation Platform (AIP) initiated innovations for sustainable smallholder irrigation schemes.

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Wednesday, 31 Aug 2022
  • News

Two parallel major new donations from HVP Plantations and the Kloeden Foundation, established by ANU Forestry graduate Adrian Kloeden and his family, enable ANU to offer four new $5000 awards for students with interests in plantation forestry.

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Wednesday, 17 Aug 2022
  • News

Snow gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora) thrive in cooler, wetter conditions. But as temperatures warm, these iconic trees are being threatened by drought, fire and disease.

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The image is a blue kingfisher, standing on the end of a thick, broken branch. The background is blurred, but it's speckled with leafylike green.
Friday, 12 Aug 2022
  • Decoloyarns

Decoloyarning at Fenner is currently open for submissions. This call provides some practical support to help you best prepare a pitch.

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