Caroline Rosello

PhD Student

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An accomplished cell biologist and entrepreneur who has decided to pivot her career toward water and environmental management. Aiming to develop a professional career in land and water management. Has completed the Master of Integrated Water Management at Griffith University (Brisbane, Australia) and currently realising a Ph.D. in Anticipatory Planning and Water Resource Management.

Current research aims at identifying methods and tools to aid decision-makers in designing long-term plans, able to manage uncertainties (e.g., climate change) related to how the future may unfold.

Enjoys working within a team environment together with the challenge of carrying through individual tasks. Sociable, optimistic, hard worker, and curious, wanting to help others and protecting the environment.


Research interests

  • Adaptive governance
  • Integrated water management
  • Environmental management
  • Soil sciences
  • Deep uncertainty
  • Social learning and knowledge creation
  • Foresight
  • Adaptation pathways
  • Capability building
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Co-design
  • Participatory modelling
  • Decision support tools’ development and user centric design
  • Leadership
  • Water ethics
  • Sustainability and justice
  • Adaptation and resilience.


Rosello,C., Elsawah, S., Guillaume, J., Jakeman, A. (2022). A century of evolution of modeling for river basin planning to the next generation of models, methods and concepts. Oxford Research Encyclopedias in Environmental science. Oxford University Press.

Rosello, C., Pratt, C., Meyer, M., & Pagand, P. (2022). Investigating phosphate adsorption behaviour on a real ferrallitic-ferritic soil using a pluralistic approach under non-controlled conditions. Soil Research Journal.

Rosello, C., Guillaume, J.H.A., Taylor, P., Cuddy, S., Pollino, C., & Jakeman, A.J. (2022). Identifying minimum information requirements to improve integrated modeling capabilities: lessons learned from Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways. Frontiers in Water, 3.

Fu, B., Merritt, W., Rosello, C., Hamilton, S., Wyborn, C., Guillaume, J., Riches, J., Stevens, S., & Jakeman, A.J. (2021). Socioeconomic scenarios of water futures in the era of uncertainty and change [Paper presentation]. 24th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Sydney, Australia.

Guillaume, J., Elsawah, S., Feldman, H., Fu, B., Jakeman, A.J., Holger, M., Rosello, C., Weber, T., & Zare, F. (2021). Uncertain Futures website: building reference materials for decision making in the face of multiple plausible futures [Paper presentation]. 24th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Sydney, Australia.

Taylor, P., Rahman, J., O'Sullivan, J., Podger, G., Rosello, C., Parashar, A., Sengupta, A., Perraud, J-M., Pollino, C., & Coombe, M. (2021). Basin futures, a novel cloud-based system for preliminary river basin modelling and planning. Environmental Modelling & Software, 141, 105049.