Research stories
Discover how our research creates social, economic and environmental impact and deliver real-world solutions to address complex environmental challenges.
Discover how our research creates social, economic and environmental impact and deliver real-world solutions to address complex environmental challenges.
Path to prosperity for planet and people if Earth’s critical resources are better shared: report.
Cities and businesses have the power to play a crucial role and become the “stewards” of critical Earth systems by demonstrating how they can reduce their environmental impact on the planet.
A new booklet from Sustainable Farms highlights ten projects that farmers can undertake to improve the health of natural assets on farms – such as dams, shelterbelts or riparian areas.
Climate History Australia has launched a new citizen science project to create the longest daily weather record for Australia.
A novel approach to fumigating the nests of the 40-spotted pardalote has proven to be highly effective.
A new project is open to Honours and Masters students to apply a new food systems model study the link between food production, food processing, and nutritional density across range of food stuffs from the horticulture, aquaculture and the live stock industries.
Recovered camera footage from fire-destroyed regions in Kosciuszko National Park revealed an incredible story of what the rare corroboree frogs had endured this summer.
How can we accommodate the needs of both farming and nature? Research shows us how – but it means accepting land as a finite resource, and operating within its limits. In doing so, farmers will also reap benefits.
How can we improve storm water quality and additionally, how to make storm water channels more appealing to the community, using methods from Indigenous science?
The pandemic seems to have given the planet a bit of respite. But doubts remain whether it will be a lasting change
The ANU has been awarded a $3.4 million grant from the Federal Government to provide advice to the Australian Government on a farm biodiversity and carbon scheme.