AMOS Student Pizza Night

The Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society is holding another pizza night. Professor Will Steffen will present his talk 'Life as a Climate Scientist'.Here is an opportunity to listen to and question one of the internationally leading climate scientists from the ANU. Professor Steffen was the first Director of the Fenner School on Environment and Society and is still very active in the climate science field.

Meet other students and people involved in climate science, and enjoy some pizza as well!

Please RSVP via Eventbrite by COB 29 July

Feature talk

Will Steffen - Life as a Climate Scientist

"This talk will take you on a tour of a rather unusual scientific career. I started life studying inorganic chemistry (which includes some aspects of carbon chemistry, important for the climate system – although I didn’t know it at the time). I then learned about environmental physics – mainly how the land interacts with the atmosphere – from the bottom up, working with experts in the field.

My career took another sharp turn when I joined a new international research program studying the Earth System (climate + more!). It was a wild ride. In addition to some fascinating science, I danced with carnival girls in Brazil, witnessed a Mafia murder in the depths of Siberia, drank whiskey with the King of Sweden, and twice just escaped death on the same trip to Washington DC, USA! And this was pre-Trump!

Oh yes, I’ll talk a bit about the science too."

- Will Steffen

AMOS (Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society) is a non-profit organization with the aim of promoting climate and oceanographic sciences. It has contacts with the AMS, RMS, Met. Society of NZ and Canadian Met. Society and has branches throughout Australia.

Updated:  17 July 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director, Fenner School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Fenner School