
Products of the Fenner School of Environment & Society research activities.


Version 2
A topographic and climate database for AFRICA developed by the Fenner School for Environment and Society.


Version 6.1
ANUCLIM is a software package that enables users to obtain estimates, in point and grid form, of monthly, seasonal and annual mean climate variables from supplied climate surfaces.


Version 5.3
ANUDEM is a program that calculates regular grid digital elevation models (DEMs) with sensible shape and drainage structure from arbitrarily large topographic data sets. It has been used to develop DEMs ranging from fine scale experimental catchments to continental scale.


Version 4.4
The ANUSPLIN package provides a facility for transparent analysis and interpolation of noisy multi-variate data using thin plate smoothing splines, through comprehensive statistical analyses, data diagnostics and spatially distributed standard errors. It also supports flexible data input and surface interrogation procedures.


The CAPER DSS (Catchment Planning and Estuary Response Decision Support System) has been designed to test the impact of management scenarios designed to reduce pollutant loads to an estuary on the health of the system, linking urban and rural catchment water quality models to estuary water quality and ecological response models.

CatchMODS »

A catchment-scale model for diffuse sediment sources developed by Dr Lachlan Newham (formerly ANU).


The EXploring CLimAte Impacts on Management (EXCLAIM) DSS links climate projection outcomes with hydrology, water quality and ecological health models.


Version 2
The GROWEST program is a FORTRAN 90 program that calculates monthly and weekly plant growth indices, in point or grid form, from input climate data consisting of any combination of monthly averages, actual monthly values and actual weekly values. Output indices may be produced on a weekly or monthly time step.


The IBIS Decision Support System (DSS) links integrates a dynamic, spatially distributed hydrology model of with ecological response models.

RoadCAT »

A decision support system is built in ArcGIS’s model builder using existing and customised toolboxes.

Updated:  9 October 2020/Responsible Officer:  Director, Fenner School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Fenner School