FSES Affiliates Seminar

All Affiliates and Fenner School staff and students welcome. A light lunch will be provided, followed by a series of short seminars. Please email Clem Davis for inclusion in the lunch.


Ngaio Fitzpatrick

Fenner School artist in residence

Can art in partnership with science create meaningful change in attitudes and behaviours within the context of climate change? How an interdisciplinary arts practice encompassing politics, philosophy and vandalism communicates in ways that science does not.

Dr David Turton

Neighbourly compensations: lawyers, parliamentary submissions and coal seam gas

Landholder compensation is a critical part of Australia’s coal seam gas (CSG) sector. One way to explore this understudied aspect of CSG – and the role of lawyers in this domain – is to scrutinise parliamentary submissions prepared by lawyers for government inquiries into CSG-related legislation. This presentation delves into some findings from a project investigating a Queensland parliamentary committee’s inquiry into the then Mineral, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018. During this inquiry, arguments about the geographical scope of ‘compensatable effects’ for landholders impacted by CSG development were raised by lawyers representing a variety of stakeholders. Their submissions give voice to the legal geography of the CSG industry and the ability of landholders to seek compensation for CSG activities. This presentation highlights the value of examining lawyer perspectives on legislation prior to its enactment, showcasing their role as public policy actors and creators of socio-spatial relations. In arguing about compensation and at what scale it should apply, lawyers attempted to shape a crucial aspect of the CSG industry’s legal geography.

Dr Roger Burritt

"Sustainable me! “

A man who delights in all things sustainable, supervillain Rog (Roger Burritt) hatches a plan to save the earth. Surrounded by an army of little green minions from the sustainability intelligence service and his impenetrable arsenal of sustainability accounting tools and techniques, Rog makes ready to vanquish all who stand in his way.

Dr Tony Bartlett

Evaluating the relative success of international research projects

Updated:  5 September 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director, Fenner School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Fenner School