Green Growth and the emerging institutions

Green growth has been a politically contested concept since its articulation a few years ago. It is now gaining traction as a wise policy choice in both developed and developing countries with different approaches to design and implementation. It is a mechanism to achieve growth in a more climate-resilient, resource-efficient and low-carbon manner. The definition and approach will be country driven and based on national circumstances and development priorities. The presentation will highlight some of these developments and outline how an emerging organization, Global Green Growth Institute, with which the speaker was recently associated as a senior Director, is helping countries advance green growth to achieve their national development objectives.

About the speaker

Dr Imran Ahmad has been involved in designing and implementing climate change, green growth, clean energy, environment and sustainable development programs, policies and projects for over twenty years. He has a demonstrated track record of achievements in international organisations, United Nations and government. He was recently the Director of East-Asia and Pacific at the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in Seoul. He is currently an honorary Associate Professor at the Fenner School and holds a PhD from ANU.  

Updated:  13 July 2018/Responsible Officer:  Director, Fenner School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Fenner School