Higher Degree Research Skills Day

Join us for the Higher Degree Research Skills Day to further your understanding  of working with different types of research.

Program (to be finalised)

09.10-09.15   Welcome and introduction (Professor Adrian Manning)

09.15-10.30   Quantitative research methods in Environment & Society (Dr Matthew Brookhouse)

  • Understanding and interpreting quantitative research results reported within scientific literature
  • Understanding principles of sampling techniques in the environmental and social sciences
  • Exploring and summarising data to identify effects and trends
  • Communicating research results effectively to the scientific and non-technical audiences

Further info: Fenner course ENVS1003, Introduction to Environmental and Social Research

10.30-11.00   Morning Tea

11.00-12.00   Survey of qualitative methods (Dr Lorrae van Kerkhoff)

  • What is qualitative research?
  • How is it different from quantitative research?
  • What is methodology and why is it challenging?
  • What methods do we use (interviews, focus groups, document analysis)?
  • What we do when we analyse data?
  • How do we decide what it means?

Further info: Fenner course ENVS2014, Qualitative Research Methods for Sustainability

12.00-12.30   TBA (Jin Teng – Final Seminar)

12.30-13.00   Lunch

13.00-14.00   TBA (Dr Andre Zerger)

14.00-15.00   Presentation skills (Julie Watson)

15.00-15.20   Afternoon Tea

15.20-16.20   Literature review (TBC) (Martin Westgate)

16.20-             Happy Hour

Updated:  29 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director, Fenner School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Fenner School