Implementing Australia’s Threatened Species Strategy: how is it going and what is ahead for our priority threatened species?

Dr Sally Box is the Australian Government’s Threatened Species Commissioner, championing the implementation of the Australian Government’s Threatened Species Strategy and practical conservation actions to recover our priority threatened birds, mammals and plants.

In this seminar, Sally will share results from the recently completed Year 3 progress report for the Threatened Species Strategy, including how the report’s outcomes will help focus future efforts to best support threatened species.

A discussion panel will follow Dr Box's lecture featuring Professor David Lindenmayer and Professor Sarah Legge joining Dr Box.


About the speaker

Threatened Species Commissioner - Dr Sally Box

The Threatened Species Commissioner champions the implementation of the Threatened Species Strategy and practical conservation actions to recover our most threatened plants and animals. Using the principles of science, action and partnership, the Commissioner works with conservation organisations, governments, community and the private sector to improve the trajectory of our threatened species.

Dr Box has a PhD in Plant Sciences and began her career in the Department of the Environment and Energy working on threatened species assessments. Since, she has worked with the community to design and deliver programs focused on threatened species conservation, including through her leadership of the Green Army.

Dr Box has also worked in partnership with scientists and landholders to deliver the Emissions Reduction Fund and most recently worked on the Paris Agreement in the Department’s international climate change area.

Updated:  16 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director, Fenner School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Fenner School