International Forestry Students' Association Career Night

Are you a forestry or environmental science student? Thinking about your future career?

Connect with professionals in the forestry industry, and create professional development opportunities at the International Forestry Students' Association Career Night!

Hosted by the ANU Fenner School Committee of the International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA at ANU), this career night will allow for Fenner students to meet high profile government and industry representatives, and discuss pathways to future careers.

Featuring various speakers, the evening will be followed by group discussions around how to improve the link between education and the workplace, and how students can relate to industry expectations.

Food and light refreshments will be catered for during the event.


List of Attendants for IFSA at ANU Careers Night:

  1. ACT Government: Shane Rattenbury (Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability)
  2. ACT Parks and Conservation Service: Peter D. Langdon (Assistant Director of Forestry, ACT Government)
  3. ACT Urban Treescapes: Rachael Dawes (A/G Director, ACT Government)
  4. ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society: Saul Cunningham (Director)
  5. Student Experience & Career Development - Division of Student Life ANU: Tempe Archer (Career Consultant)
  6. Transport Canberra and City Services: Samantha Ning (ACT Tree Protection Officer, ACT Government)
  7. The Mullion Group (ACT): Robert de Ligt (Senior Consultant)
  8. Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (ACT): Matthew De Jongh (Australian Government)
  9. Women's Environmental Leadership Australia (WELA) (ACT): Margaret Blakers (Member of the Organising Association)
  10. Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA):
    1. Gavin Matthew (Senior Policy Manager)
    2. Natalie Heazlewood (Policy Manager)
  11. Institute of Forester of Australia (IFA): Jacquie Martin (CEO)
  12. Forestry Corporation of NSW: Mike Beardsell (General Manager of Softwood Plantations)
  13. HQPlantations (QLD): Daniel Pfrunder (Human Resources Manager)
  14. One Forty One Plantations (South Australia): Candice Fennell (Regional Head of HR)
  15. Timberlands Pacific (South Australia):
    1. Steven Brown (CEO)
    2. Emma-Kate Griffiths (Business Service Manager)
  16. HVP Plantations (VIC): John Dodson (General Manager, Human Resources)
  17. VicForests (VIC):
    1. Gavin Livingston (Tactical Planning Forester)
    2. Leon Holt (District Planning Forester)

About IFSA

The International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA) is a global, not-for-profit forestry students’ organisation that run by students for students. IFSA is a global educational platform that seeks to enrich students’ education through international meetings, networking and intercultural exchange. Furthermore, IFSA has an ambitious vision in creating a world that appreciates forests by continuously improving the quality and outcomes of forest education through designing innovative experiential learning activities, pushing the bar on how to advocate for forestry, include youth meaningfully, and raise awareness on forests.

Currently, IFSA has around 112 member universities from 52 countries. IFSA is supported by members from 7 regions in the world – namely Asia-Pacific region, Northern European region; Southern European region; Northern Africa region, Southern Africa region; Latin America region and Northern American Region. IFSA provides students with access to seats at the conferences by the international policy processes such as the UNFF, UNFCCC, UNCBD, UNEP and Forest Europe. In addition, IFSA has memorandums and in closed partnerships with international organisations such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations (FAO); European Forest Institute (EFI), International Timber Trade Organisation (ITTO), The Center for International Forest Research (CIFOR), International Union on Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Commonwealth Forestry Association (CFA), The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), and The Forest Dialogue (TFD). IFSA has also created partnerships with students organisations such as -International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS), European Geography Association (EGEA), Informal Forum of International Student Organisations (IFISO) and Youth in Landscape Initiative (YiL).

Updated:  24 April 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director, Fenner School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Fenner School