Conservation and Ecology of the Greater Glider

This is an exciting opportunity to participate in the Greater Glider Research Project under the supervision of David Lindenmayer and Kara Youngentob. The Lindenmayer research group includes some of the Australia’s leading ecologists and conservation scientists. Research within the group addresses a diverse range of topics including fire, threatened species, mammals, frogs, birds, reptiles and plants. Past PhD graduates have a strong record of employment in academic, government and NGO sectors.

This project focuses on southern greater glider ecology and conservation. The research will include field, laboratory, and captive animal studies and have a strong component of nutritional ecology and animal physiology. Part of this project will involve investigating interactions between the nutritional quality of browse, temperature and diet selection in captive animals. Previous experience with animal research in the field or lab is desirable.

Candidate requirements

Some experience with data collection, curation, and analyses with R or similar statistical software is preferred. A bachelor’s degree with first-class honours or a research master’s degree from a recognised university is a prerequisite. Peer-reviewed publications are an advantage. Selection is based on academic merit and the candidate’s research proposal.

Domestic students must obtain and maintain a PhD scholarship stipend at The Australian National University (2020 rate: AU$28,092 per annum tax free; see below). Candidates would be expected to commence their doctoral programs in early 2021.

Application process and closing dates

Interested domestic candidates are invited to discuss the project with Dr Kara Youngentob and must submit a CV with a one page statement of possible research directions by 15 October 2021. Please email Kara Youngentob at

The closing date for applications for a PhD stipend scholarship at The Australian National University is 31 October 2021. See Queries regarding scholarship matters can be directed to Katie Liesinger at

Updated:  23 September 2021/Responsible Officer:  Director, Fenner School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Fenner School