A group of researchers look up from the forest floor in Victoria.

Forests & fire


Forests provide ecosystem services that are critical to humans and the sustainability of our environment. Our research focuses on management of critically important native forests and woodlands, including forest ecology, landscape restoration, wildlife conservation, ecologically sustainable forestry, and the effects of fire and climate.


Researchers undertake projects to study biodiversity and the impacts of fire and invasive animal and plant control on mammals, birds and reptiles inhabiting a range of vegetation types.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students


The Centre for Water and Landscape Dynamics (WALD) sits within the Fenner School of Environment & Society, and combines satellite observations, field data and prediction models to measure, monitor and forecast natural hazards, natural resources and the environment.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students


Widespread death of eucalypts has been observed in forested landscapes across Australia, including the alpine regions of Victoria, NSW and the ACT.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students


Developing machine learning algorithms to identify forest structural characteristics from earth observation data on a regional scale, Australia

Student intake

Open for Honours students


The Fenner School has a number of projects that examine bushfires – how it behaves, its effects on the landscape and ecosystems, and how we can monitor and manage it in natural and built environments.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students


A PhD candidate at the ANU Fenner School is conducting research to find ways that will reduce the risk mature eucalypts pose to people and infrastructure in urban environments. One part of this study will calculate how many potentially dangerous branches are dropped by mature eucalypts over the period of a year.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students


  • Dr Darren Le Roux, ACT Government
  • Assoc Prof Samantha Capon, Griffith University



Honorary Senior Lecturer

Photo of Associate Professor Cris Brack

Honorary Associate Professor

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Academic staff



Researcher, Marta Yebra, stands in front of a tree.

Dr Marta Yebra gives an online seminar about how satellite technology is helping to plan for and manage bushfires.

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Two juvenile swift parrots sit in the hands of a researcher. They are lime green in colour.

Bruny Island is virtually the only remaining habitat left where swift parrots can safely raise their hatchlings. Fenner School Researcher Dr Stojanovic tells his story about how his team has been trying to protect them for more than a decade.

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The ANU Research Forest at the National Arboretum Canberra is proving to be an ideal place to "see" trees and forests in a new way.

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Balsa wood

A research team led by Professor Peter Kanowski and Dr Kulala Mulung is conducting a five-year study in the province that seeks to support the local balsa industry.

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Dr Joëlle Gergis gives her thoughts to The Guardian following the September bushfires in Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

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As the climate has warmed, the cool mountain habitat of species in the Kosciuszko National Park is shrinking; bushfires have decimated a lot of what was left. Feral horses now threaten to destroy the remainder, and according to Professor Jamie Pittock, an urgent culling program is needed.

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