Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories about environment and society at ANU.

We're going on a beetle hunt

This is a story about what it's like to tackle an entirely new problem, so nothing is easy. Not even catching some beetles.

Let the hunt begin!

Disability advocate Marcus Dadd: ‘I hope I can inspire people to chase their dreams’

Fenner graduate and disability advocate Marcus Dadd has a passion for inclusive and sustainable practices in agriculture.

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Australia’s summer weather heats up

Professor Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick gives us the run down of what is expected to be Australia's hottest hummer on record.

Find out more.
Garden Snail
Friday, 13 Sep 2019
  • News

The Australian Government's Chief Environmental Biosecurity Officer is pleased to release the interim priority list of exotic environmental pests and diseases for consultation (the Priority List). The Priority List focuses on exotic pests and diseases that pose the highest risk to our environment and public spaces.

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Friday, 13 Sep 2019
  • News

Data released by the Murray Darling Basin Authority shows total water storage in the Northern Basin is dangerously low, sitting at just nine per cent capacity. Fenner's Professor Jamie Pittock spoke with ABC Radio National Breakfast about it.

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Tuesday, 10 Sep 2019
  • News

Dr Joëlle Gergis gives her thoughts to The Guardian following the September bushfires in Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

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A fire burning near Yamba, in northern New South Wales, Australia.
Monday, 09 Sep 2019
  • News

Dr Joëlle Gergis speaks to the New York Times about the September bushfires in Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

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The lower reservoir of the former gold mine at Kidston.
Thursday, 05 Sep 2019
  • News

Professor Jamie Pittock says the Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro project would be a gold mine for electricity stability.

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Under the Spikes by Isaac Wilson. © South Australian Museum
Wednesday, 04 Sep 2019
  • News

Fenner's Cris Brack gives his thoughts about this year’s Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year Competition.

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Tuesday, 03 Sep 2019
  • Research story

The Fenner School of Environment and Society is offering a couple of PhD programs (Ecologist and Social scientist) working with the interdisciplinary team of researchers at the Sustainable Farms initiative. The program focuses on investigating the biodiversity and sustainability of farmland ecosystems.

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Tuesday, 03 Sep 2019
  • Research story

Are you interested in the role of biodiversity in supporting agriculture? Here is an opportunity to conduct research on aspects of crop pollination by bees in Australian agriculture, at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University.

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Sunday, 01 Sep 2019
  • News

If you're out and about, it's the time of the year to look out. Magpie swooping season is upon us and the dive-bombing has begun in Canberra, with pedestrians, cyclists and even buses in the birds' sights.

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