Check out our calendar of events and participate in our seminars, public lectures and more.

Illegal use of natural resources, such as logging, fishing, mining, and poaching, varies widely in scale, actors, and governance. This presentation explores patterns linking legality and legitimacy, under-researched activities, and governance responses, offering a framework for comparison and analysis.

Indigenous Ways of Being, Knowing & Doing – A Valuable Pathway for Surviving Our Compounding Existential Crises and Thriving Again?

Join us at the Fenner School for a discussion on the progress of environment policy over the past twenty years, and the launch of the 3rd edition of the book: Environment and Sustainability: A Policy Handbook (Federation Press).

The Jack Westoby Lecture recognises the contribution to forestry internationally by Jack Westoby (1912-1988).
The Biennial Lecture Series was initiated in 1997 and is made possible by the generosity of the Westoby Family.
Past events

Please join us for the memorial lecture in honour of Emeritus Professor Will Steffen, one of Australia’s most influential and respected climate scientists.

Interested in learning more about Pollution in Practice - Special Topic (ENVS3016)? Come along to our online information session to chat with the course conveners and have all your questions answered.

Interested in learning more about Sustainable Urban Systems - Singapore Field School (ENVS2012)? Come along to our online information session to chat with the course conveners and have all your questions answered.

This report summarises a broad expanse of literature about current and projected climate change impacts on the Australian Alps and presents new Australia-first modelling of climate change impacts on the Australian ski industry.

This special event is a fundraiser for the Cancer Council, supporting vital research, prevention programs, and support services for those affected by cancer. Every dollar we raise will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those battling this disease.

ANU Fenner School of Environment & Society research students from across our cohorts are presenting their work in two days of talks

Considering further study after you graduate?
Aren't quite sure what is involved?
Then this event is for you.