
Climate & energy


Our researchers are actively contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions through innovative, interdisciplinary research and policy-relevant advice drawing on expertise across climate science, climate adaptation, energy, environmental monitoring and management, and sustainable development.


The Centre for Water and Landscape Dynamics (WALD) sits within the Fenner School of Environment & Society, and combines satellite observations, field data and prediction models to measure, monitor and forecast natural hazards, natural resources and the environment.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students


Climate History Australia is a landmark initiative to reconstruct Australian climate over past centuries using historical records.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students


  • Dr Linden Ashcroft

This research looks at options for more effective conservation of freshwater ecosystems for the benefit of people and nature.

Developing machine learning algorithms to identify forest structural characteristics from earth observation data on a regional scale, Australia

Student intake

Open for Honours students


The Fenner School has a number of projects that examine bushfires – how it behaves, its effects on the landscape and ecosystems, and how we can monitor and manage it in natural and built environments.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students


Are you a student looking for an outstanding PhD opportunity? Are you an industry professional who is open to undertaking a PhD project while retaining employment and salary benefits? 

Student intake

Open for PhD students



Academic staff

Associate Professor Ian Fry stands in front of a native shrub at the Fenner School and looks at the camera. He is wearing a suit and a string of shells around his neck.

Associate Professor


Honorary Senior Lecturer

Honorary Associate Professor

No photo provided

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Honorary Lecturer

Photo of Dr Joelle Gergis

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Honorary Senior Lecturer


Call for citizen scientists to help complete Australia’s longest daily weather record

Climate History Australia has launched a new citizen science project to create the longest daily weather record for Australia.

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Combating climate change is a global challenge, yet the impacts will fall most heavily on poor and vulnerable populations.

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Professor Xuemei Bai on stage with Al Gore

Last month Professor of Urban Environment and Human Ecology Xuemei Bai travelled to Brisbane for the Climate Reality Project training conference for several days of talks and learning about how to tackle what is arguably the biggest crisis of our time.

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New research examines historical records exploring low-elevation snowfall events to create Australia’s longest analysis of daily temperature extremes and their impacts on society.

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The Australian environment has started a slow recovery from some of the toughest years on record, a new study has concluded.

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China plans to use hydrogen to strip emissions from its manufacturing sector. AP

This week’s report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns global warming is headed for dangerous levels unless greenhouse gas emissions halve this decade. This cannot be achieved without a huge effort from China, the world’s biggest emitter.

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